Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MJ - Coming October 15th to Theaters near you!

Ok, this is the first time I have tried to post pics, so if this doesnt go well, please bear with me.....I will work the kinks out in the next 7 Months....I'm sure of it!
MJ - 5 wks 6 days
If you will see the two little stars, there is one at MJ's head and another at his/her little rump.....only 10 days later, this is what we saw......

The little bat-looking character hanging from the top of my uterus is MJ...more than doubled in size!!

The Dr. appointment yesterday went very well. We got to really see the heartbeat this time (rate of 141, no idea what that means). And we actually SAW MJ! I mean, really saw him/her....we didnt just have to do the nod and smile and act like you saw him because you know your a terrible parent if all you saw was  a white piece of fuzz on the screen. It was amazing. I am so shocked that this little thing is actually growing inside me :)

We visited with the Dr. briefly and scheduled my next round of blood work and VD testing (don't worry guys, its standard, and I have a certain amount of confidence that I am not carrying syphillis or clymidia) She is also going to refer us to someone who can do genetic testing....although Dan and I have already determined that we are opting out of those sorts of tests. We will handle stuff like that as it comes, AFTER MJ is here, no need to worry about it while he is still safe inside me and there is nothing we can do about it. But that, of course, is our own personal opinion and not something that is for everyone :)

Besides that, I have started to work out again in the mornings. I find that since I have 0 energy when I get off work, I better get it out of the way first thing! I have also started to feel a little nauseaus during the day occasionally, but no vomiting to date! I think it mainly has to do with my stomach getting empty, and once I'm hungry, I'm STARVING! There seems to be no happy medium for me. But, I can deal with it :) I feel like I've had it pretty easy so far, so you won't hear too much complaining from me.... Now Dan, he may disagree, but i try to save it for him ;-) I've gotta milk, this pregnancy thing right??

Well, I guess thats it for now......

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