Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'll take a burger with a side of pizza ice cream.....

Welcome to week 12!! So far it has been an interesting ride....luckily not a bumpy one though. Its really hard for me to believe that I've actually been preggo for 3 months now!! Seems like just yesterday I was in the bathroom peeing on my hand...I mean a stick ;-) and then another one. and another..... I guess looking back, time has passed quickly. Although, looking forward, I still feel like little MJ is never going to get here.

I know I have said at times that I haven't really felt "pregnant" so far. I mean, I am starting to get a little pooch and have put on about 5 lbs, but I haven't been bent over the toilet hurling my guts up....and for some reason I feel like that would have made this seem more real. To all those rolling your eyes and shaking your heads, I am aware of how "special needs" that whole statement sounds. And trust me, if the rest of my pregnancy goes as smoothly as these first 11 weeks, then I hate to admit it, but I am going to be that (crazy) woman who goes around raving about how much she LOVED being pregnant and can't wait to do it all over again....and let's face it, no one likes that woman. No one.

I think to counter act the fact that I still don't really look different and luckily, don't really feel pregnant, God has reassured me that I am by giving me ridiculous cravings that I absolutely have NO POWER to resist. So I went to the grocery store last week and I walked out with, and I would never kid about something like this, 2 frozen pizzas, 2 pints of ice cream, a bag of chips, a jar of salsa, and a box of sour punch bites. Nope, I was not the guest of honor at a 13 yr old's sleep over....that was for me. I think most of you that are reading this have known me for a while and are aware that my eating habits have always been relatively health conscious. Pre-pregnancy, I may have craved a piece of candy, but the guilt alone of eating a whole box of sour punch bites would force me into the gym before they candy even entered my mouth. Well, I assure you, that is NO LONGER a problem. I downed that box and when I got to the last piece, the only thing I felt was saddness that the deliciousness was gone. Another thing I cannot seem to deny myself is burgers. I'm not talking about turkey burgers or veggie burgers, I'm talking about meat. Good old fashioned RED meat. If you smother it in cheese and pile it high with all the fixings, I'm in. So, given the current state of my appetite, I will have the not looking like I'm pregnant thing covered in about 4 minutes.....

Besides all that, I'm feeling pretty good still. I am trying to stay active when I have the energy, and the weather recently is making that a lot easier. I have officially grown out of my bras, so despite that fact that I have to pay for new ones, I am THRILLED :)

Oh, one more thing....Dan and I bought our first piece of baby furniture!! We knew from the beginning that we wanted a glider (possibly the most comfortable piece of furniture my toosh has every encountered) and we found a great deal on one this weekend so we couldnt resist! MJ's room, which we refer to at the moment as the Stud-ery (study-nursery), is no longer empty! I can't wait until I walk by and see all the furniture...and better yet, our baby, when i walk by :) Still so excited, and can't wait to meet our little angel.

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