Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hearing is believing.....

Well, I went to the doctor last week for my blood work and pelvic violation....I mean exam. I was planning on going by myself, because I didnt think that we would actually be making any kind of contact with our little MJ on this visit. Well, before I went, I talk to Kristin who is a patient at the same doctor's office, and she informed me that they would probably try to hear the heart beat this time. Well immediately I called Dan and made him feel HORRIBLE for not coming with me (because he, of course, should have read my doctors mind and KNOWN they were going to listen for the heartbeat), but he was already super swamped at work and was pretty sure he wasn't going to be able to get away. I completely understood, but was secretly disappointed that he was going to miss this milestone that I wanted to share with him. Well, I pull up to the Hospital and park, and guess who pulls up beside me....yep, Mr. Dan Jones :) He really made my day. I think I may have even cried a little....ok, I did cry a little.

Well, we got into the room and I put on my favorite piece of non-clothing....nothing like a gown that looks like a curtain from grandma's house and opens clear down the front to make you feel like a super model. And we waited. While we waited, we talked. I think every time we go to the doctor, the idea of having a baby becomes more and more real. I guess the pictures of ovaries and uteri help too.....

So, the doctor comes in and she goes over what she was going to do which included feeling me up, and groping my uterus, and she neglected to mention the heartbeat we were so looking forward to hearing! So, I asked her if we were going to be able to hear it. She informed us that they normally don't hear anything until the 11th week (I was only a couple days into week 10) so she didnt want to try and have us worry if we didnt hear anything. We assured her that we would not freak out if there was no sound detected (although truthfully, I'm sure I would have paniced at least a little bit....) so she told us she would try. Well after all the fun stuff (insert sarcastic font here), the most amazing thing happened......She pulled out the baby microphone and put it right where MJ was sitting....right on the first shot! at that moment, we heard the most beautiful sound we have ever heard. It was like a little angel flapping his/her little wings :) I can still hear it when i close my eyes.....it was amazing.

People have asked me what the heart rate was, and if it was fast or slow....but honestly, neither of us have an answer. I think we were just so greatful to be able to hear it, we didnt even think to ask anything else. I think thats how I feel about everything now. I don't care if we have a boy or a girl or how big or small they are....I just want them to be healthy and be able to listen to that little heartbeat forever :)

So, just when I thought I had already experienced the best day of my life....they just keep coming :) And I have a feeling that we have many more in store.

As for me, I'm feeling good. I still don't feel like I look pregnant....unless I've just eaten. I thought for a minute this weekend that my long, lost friend, energy had returned, but I was mistaken. I am pretty sure I almost face-planted in my chicken and rice last night at 7...good times. Well, I'm 10 1/2 weeks today....almost through 1/3 of my pregnancy. I'd like to say the time is flying, but honestly, its just creeping by. I have a feeling once my feet disappear from sight, I will not have the same complaint.

Next Dr. appointment is April 15th and then the one after that should reveal if we are having a little girl or a little boy.....so excited about that one...and hearing the little heartbeat again :)

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