Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feeling especially lucky today.....

Weekends like this one remind me of how lucky I am. I have done nothing note-worthy this weekend, but at every turn, I have been reminded how many people around me love me...and how lucky I am to have them all in my life.

To start off, I thank God every day that I got to marry my best friend, and biggest supporter since my mother. I think I always was afraid to go through a pregnancy for fear that I would feel alone. I was worried that everyone else's life would carry on, and I would just meet up with them in 9 months (or whenever I got the whole kid thing figured out). So far, I could not have been more wrong. Dan has made it a point to stay home with me when I feel tired, cater to my every craving food-wise, and make sure that we have fun in ways that we never have before. Who knew that one day I would consider an hour long trip to Target, a 5 o'clock dinner, and then a leisurely stroll through Home Depot looking for plants my idea of an awesome Friday night? yep, not me either. Well, guess what, I was wrong. Turns out I am amazingly boring these days...and Dan Jones still loves me, and I think he secretly enjoys it himself ;-)

 I then found myself at the yogurt shop with another of my most favorite people, Kristin, who used to be my drinking buddy (and I'm sure will resume the position once I can drink again ;-)) As we sat there reflecting on our lives and how far we have come and how many changes have happened over the course of a decade, we saw 2 high schoolers walk in, and determined we had made it full circle. We are back to enjoying yogurt instead of boozing it up on a Friday night....funny how things work out. My girlfriends are another source of my happiness these days. I could not ask for better friends, and I thank you all for being there to listen to me rant about my insecurities and gush about how excited I am about meeting my new little one. I feel so grateful to have such an amazing support system!

Today I went to my Mom's for my Dad and Paupie's birthday. Again I was surrounded by people that I consider myself lucky to be able to call family. I've said it once, and I'll say it again....I know that while our family may be considered "normal" because my parents have been married to each other and only each other for all these years, it is anything but. To encounter a group of siblings/cousins that actually enjoy each other's company, and don't just get together twice a year for the holidays (with grimaces on their faces and hangovers the next day from the amount of alcohol it took to recover from the 2 hour ordeal), its anything but normal. And I love it.

I know that I can be sarcastic and I tend to make light of things that are going on right now, but today and this weekend really made me appreciate what I have. I feel very good knowing that MJ is going to be immediately surrounded by so much love. I couldn't imagine it any other way :)

As for me, I guess I don't need to go into detail about my mental state.....I'm pretty mushy and lovey today. I went for a walk this morning to try to counter act the 9 meals a day that I can't help myself from eating, although, between you me and the waist of my jeans, its going to take more than a weekly walk ;-) Besides that, we are just excited to see our little MJ again tomorrow!!

Oh, and so they don't get left boobs are officially a half a size larger, and for the first time in my life, one of my size A (yes they still make bras that small) bras is too small. score! ;-)

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