Sunday, March 13, 2011

Real vs. Imagined

I know I just posted the other day, but I dont feel like I was in a very good place, so my writing was not up to par. In other words, I did not amuse myself when I re-read it. Don't worry....I will do my best to avoid writing next time when I am not feeling at least moderately entertaining. So, for that, my apologies.

After I posted, I started to think about how I thought things were going to be when I got pregnant. I think that every woman at some point, pictures this time in their life, much like they picture their wedding day. Mostly, we picture looking like the pregnant women in the magazines who look slightly anorexic from the rear and who would NEVER get something as gross as a hemmroid or gas that puts both their husband AND dog to shame. I believe we all think that there is no way we will sit around on our couches eating, well, whatever is in the refrigerator. Well, after talking to many a mommy, both new and "experienced" (that was for you mom, see, you're not old ;)), and I have established that while some of us may mask it better than others, we are all gross when we're pregnant. Don't get me wrong. I still think its a beautiful, and amazing experience, but lets face it, there are some less than appealing "Side-effects" that go along with it....

I can't speak for all women, so I will just speak for myself. Here are the things that I have experienced so far that have totally blown my "that would never happen to me" pre-pregnancy statements out of the water....

1. I'm pretty sure that i remember telling Dan at some point in our pre-pregnancy (PP) discussions how I would probably become a fixture at the gym, you know, because I wouldnt be going out anymore, and what else was I going to do?? I'll tell you what I do.....I do nothing. Now, don't get me wrong, I still go for a walk a couple times a week, and on a rare occasion  I do make it to the gym for a quick cardio workout before work, but I'm positive that no one thinks I'm any kind of fixture up there. I had no idea I would be so drained all the time! I used to workout daily,  and before the wedding, TWICE a day. Now, I consider it a good day when I'm not winded if I'm trying to talk on the phone and walk up my one stair case. Its ridiculous.
2. When I was 13, I was pretty sure that I was going through puberty for my first, AND ONLY time. Now, at 28, I'm not so sure. Minus the bleeding part, I would swear I was reliving a part of my life that I never wanted to revisit. My skin is breaking out in ways and places that I never dreamed (or nightmared, if thats a word) possible. I have literally resorted to washing my face 2-3 times a day, applying a facemask every 2 days and spot treating all my new little friends with alcohol to dry them out. Its awesome....and I'm quite positive that it only amplifies my sex appeal at the moment ;-)
3. Lets talk about another little gem.....this one, I started noticing when I started on my prenatal vitamins. GOOD LORD WITH THE HAIR GROWTH!! I have never been the kind of girl to shave regularly (I've made sure that Dan loves me for my personality, and not my hygeine ;-)), but now, I can shave and by the time I get out of the shower, I am already prickly. Yep, Dan's not only going to get a baby, but he's also acquired a wooly mammoth. What a lucky guy!
4. Last, but certainly not least, lets address the gas issue. Or, better yet, we'll just leave it alone. I do want to leave some things to the imagination.....We'll just say that burping is no longer the only natural occurance on my list of party tricks ;-)

Well, thats all I can think of for now. I know it probably sounds like I am complaining, but if this is what you go through to grow a little miracle inside you, I wouldn't trade one zit or tuft of hair to change it.

Yesterday started week 10 for me! I'm headed back to the doctor on Wednesday to get poked and prodded...again, all for the benefit of our little miracle....and I'm looking forward to it!

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