Sunday, February 6, 2011

The best day of my life.....

Well, this is officially my first blog. I have mixed feelings about airing my thoughts and feelings for everyone to see, but I decided that this is a part of my life that I would love to share.
As I'm sure most of you know now, I am going to be a Mommy!! Dan and I found out we were pregnant on Thursday, February 3. Although we were "trying" to get pregnant, we were both shocked when I took the final test. We were both OVERLY anxious to find out our fate, so we put our trust in the hands of (stupid) early results pregnancy tests (2 to be specific) that showed negative results. Well, a couple of days later, after I had missed my period and felt like someone had used my breasts as punching bags, I decided maybe I had better take one know, just to be sure I was NOT pregnant. Well, as it turns out, when the instructions read "for more accurate results, wait until after your missed period" they are not joking. So, I proceeded to the kitchen to dispose of my glass of wine (don't judge me, I thought I wasnt pregnant) and began floating on cloud nine! Dan was on his way home and I was literally bursting at the seems to tell him.

When he walked in, I tried to wait patiently as he took what seemed like HOURS to put his things down and settle in on the couch. It was probably closer to 3 minutes, but I was slightly anxious. When I told him, his face lit up and his eyes welled up with tears. It was the most touching thing I had ever seen. Not that I have ever doubted that Dan was going to be the best Dad in the world, but to see how happy he was at the thought of it, well, it made my heart melt.

We discussed waiting until I had my first Dr. visit to start sharing our news, but both of us agreed that we could not wait!! The next day, first thing, we went to Babies R us and got a few little items to share the news with our parents. Everyone was thrilled, the mothers, however, were ECSTATIC :) It makes my heart smile to think about the exact moment and both of their was priceless.

We had a small scare on Saturday when I had some (what I considered) unusual bleeding, but after consulting with a Doctor, my mind was put at ease and we went back to cloud nine, where we still reside today :)

In future posts, I plan to just let you know how I'm feeling and what is going on in our lives. Today, I slept until 10AM, and for those who know me well, you know this is very abnormal. I also burst into tears 3 times at BuyBuyBaby while reading books and baby picture frames....yep, I think its official, I'm knocked up ;-)

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