Sunday, February 20, 2011

MJ's first Picture

So, our first Doctor visit was on Friday. We finally got to see our little appleseed, and it was amazing. MJ was VERY small though. So small, that if we had come even 2 days before, the sono tech wouldnt have been able to see anything! Dan and I sat in the dark room and stared up at the screen in awe. We watched the little flicker (the heart beat) and smiled from ear to ear. MJ was about 1.9 cm in length....I know what you're thinking, we MUST have a basketball player on our hands! ;-) When the sonogram was over, we sat and waited for the pictures to print so that we could see the Doctor, Dr. Ghodsi. When we got into her office, she informed us that everything looked A-Ok, BUT she wanted to see us back in a week so they could get a better reading of the heart beat, and so that she could nail down a due date. We, of course, are thrilled that we are going to see our precious little angel twice in 2 weeks!! And by the time we go back on the 28th, MJ will be double the size he was on the 18th! We can't wait!

So, to sum up, doctor visit number 1 went exceedingly well. And we are anxiously awaiting visit number 2 :)

The next visit we will meet with the doctor longer and discuss a plan and hopefully get all sorts of other information that will add to the overwhelming amount we are already trying to process.

As for me, I am good. I am feeling more pregnant everyday. Between my growing breasts and my widening rear end (yes, I know its still early to be letting myself go) and the fact that it takes an act of GOD to get me out of bed in the morning....I am constantly reminded that I have a little miracle growing inside me. And every day, I get more excited about meeting my little MJ :)

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