Thursday, February 10, 2011

and now, we wait.....

Well, maybe I jumped the gun on starting up the blog thing so early. I feel like there's not a whole lot to update everyone on so early in the game. Trust me, I know that won't be the case soon :) I did make my first Dr. appointment this week! Its set for next Friday (in pregnancy time, that is exactly 181 thousand years away) BUT, they said they like to see you when you're between 6-8 weeks. I will be one day into my 7th week, so hopefully they'll be able to see the heartbeat.

As far as what I'm feeling....not much of anything (minus the excrutiating pain still coming from my chest). I guess in my mind, when I found out I was pregnant, I automatically would weigh 900 lbs and start to waddle instead of walk. I'm not sure why though....its not like I don't have friends and family who have gone through this exact same process and they didn't explode into pregnancy at 5 weeks either.

I know what all you moms out there are thinking "just wait, come June, you're going to be wondering where your feet, and other important body parts, went." I am aware its a process and I am looking forward to it all :) Mostly, because for the first time in my life, I will have breasts that don't resemble those of a pre-pubescent teen's.....I know....its the little things in life ;-) not to negate the fact that I could not be more thrilled to be growing a little human inside me, as weird of a thought as that is.

Dan and I went to look at baby furniture last weekend (to say we are excited is an understatement I think) and for the first time, I didnt feel out of place in Buy Buy Baby....although, I'm not going to lie, I was trying to stick my stomach out so everyone would know that I was going to be a mommy and we weren't just weirdos staring at baby furniture for no reason (not that we haven't done that before ;-)). I've also been reading a lot of different books...probably too many. On top of that, i am signed up for updates from 2 different website each sending me information daily on whats going on in my uterus. As of today, MJ (mini Jones) is the size of a sesame seed....yep, I guess when I thought I could "tell I was showing" it was just that huge bowl of chili I ate ;-)

One last thing, today I am officially in my 6th week!! Almost half way through my first tri-mester :) Time is already flying! Every day I get more and more excited to meet the little sesame seed growing inside me :)

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