Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No skipping meals for this momma!

What I may or may not have inadvertently forgot to mention about our first visit to the doctor, is that since I have not yet "officially" changed my name to 'Jones' our sonogram read 'Baby Swindle'. Dan was disappointed to say the least, since me and MJ are both very much Joneses in every other sense. So, in order to wipe the frown and unspoken (or spoken) disappointment from my loving husband's face, I vowed that by the time we had our next sonogram, it WOULD read 'Baby JOnes'. And I am a woman of my word.

Today I made my way to the Social Security Office, where I'm pretty sure people go to rot considering the pace at which the office moves and the stench thats in the stale air there when you open the door. Since I was going on my lunch break, I made sure to tap my feet and check the time 18 hundred times to let everyone know I was in a hurry. Finally, I was called up and took care of step 1 of 2 in the conversion to Jones. Seeing as how the drive and wait took far longer than my lunch break, I rushed back to the office to make sure I didn't waste anymore time and neglected to pick up lunch on the way.

Well, I returned to the office and opened a pack of crackers thinking I could just hold myself over until I got home for dinner......MJ had different plans I think. I know I'm not supposed to feel him/her this early, but I swear I got kicked right in my belly button. It was like MJ's subtle way of already getting his/her way. So, in order to appease MJ, and of course for no other reason ;-), I vowed to not skip meals. I immediately ran to Chicken Express (for MJ's health, not because its what I wanted) and made it back to the office only to down a meal that I used to eat in 2 sittings. Awesome. I have really started a bad trend I think. I like to blame it on the fact that I recently started working out again, and you know, I am growing a fetus....thats no easy task.

Besides the constant hunger, and sore breasts (yep, i'm going to bring the girls up every time), and 89 trips to the bathroom on a daily basis....I'm good. Although, I think today, my hormones must be out of whack or something. I woke up to the notion that Dan "dream cheated" (you know, i had a dream where Dan cheated on me, I'm pretty sure "dream cheated" is the technical term for it) so I was almost in tears/wanting to rip his head off. Although he assured me that he, himself, had no control over what he did in MY dreams, I'm still not convinced ;). Then I had another small panic attack, when a friend of mine did not respond immediately to my email sharing the news with her. Of course, she was working and there was a glitch (as usual) on gmail. I think to say that today, I am slightly insecure, may be an understatement, but I am bound and determined to make it through the day without another meltdown. And considering I'm half way there and I don't plan to nap (in order to avoid any other dream situations), I'd say my odds are good.

I will begin my 8th week tomorrow and get to see my little blueberry again on Monday! Me and Dan can hardly wait!! More to come then........

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