Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No 2 pregnancies are the same

Since I took "the test" I have doubled my library and now am the proud (and slightly embarassed) owner/borrower (thanks Kristin and Amie!) of about 19 books on pregnancy. All of the books tell me what I should be doing, what is going on inside of my body, what my hormones are doing, and how I SHOULD be feeling. They also all emphasize that every woman gets pregnant differently, and to just take signals from your body, and don't worry if your symptoms are not "text book". Well its a good thing.....mine aren't!

I have always had a sensitive stomach, but that has only been amplified over the last few weeks. I keep trying to narrow down what is upsetting it in order to eliminate it from my diet and try to avoid the morning 'run screaming to the bathroom' episodes. For example, Dan was very sweet and brought me home my favorite the other night, Wendys. I ordered what I always order, a No. 1, with fries and a sprite (normally a diet coke, but cutting back on the caffeine these days). I woke up the next morning and thought I was dying. It felt like a temporary bout of food poisening. It was awful. So, I vowed no more Wendy's. Luckily it only lasted a short time and I was able to move on with my day. 2 days later, we went to eat at Soho for our Valentine's Day dinner and I ordered the most delicious Filet mignon. Well, its a good thing it looked good goin in....it was quite a different story coming out first thing next morning. And to be more descriptive than I'm sure any of you want me to be....I have yet to throw up during this pregnancy....use your imagination, or don't if you're eating something while reading this. Well, I immediately decided that red meat was the problem. No more red meat. Problem solved, right? Wrong. Sunday night, I had a nice, tame piece of chicken. Monday morning, I thought I was going to die again. Poor Dan, had no idea what to do. I was pretty sure I was going to vomit and couldnt hold my head up, but couldnt remove myself from the toilet seat either (again, this blog is an optional read....i apologize for unexpected details that make you not want to love me anymore ;-)). So, there I sat. Trash can in hand, breaking out in a cold sweat hogging the only bathroom in the apartment during a time we both needed to get ready for work. Awesome. Well, I obviously made it through and have now established that it is, in fact, food in general that upsets my stomach, which unfortunately cannot be avoided.

So, while I hear a lot of women ranting about constipation during pregnancy....rest assured, I am not suffering in that department. I am also not throwing up. I guess we can mark one in the positive category! Also, this little routine i have going on has kept me from gaining any weight. I'm not sure which column that falls in just yet. For now, I am just grateful that this is only a morning routine, and not one that follows me all day long :)

I'd also like to take this time to mention how very lucky I feel to be going through this new experience with my partner in crime, the love of my life, Dan Jones. He is the most attentive and caring person I know and even at my worst, sitting on the toilet looking like death with a trash can covering my face....he still loves me.

I guess thats all for now....only 3 days till our first appointment!! more to come then :)

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