Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well that's something I never thought I would say......

Hello again friends. Today I am 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant. It's hard for me to believe that after 9 long years of being pregnant, the end is only a little more than 2 weeks away (in theory)! I can't express enough how ready I am for my little kickboxer to get here, it's the only thing I dream about now....and not in the - I'm going to have a 5 legged baby - kind of way.....they are good dreams about both my speedy, painless delivery and her immediate ability to breastfeed and sleep through the night. And just to ease all of your minds, no I am not on drugs.....just dillusional.

So, I guess I'll start with last week's dr visit. It was pretty standard and not much to report. My blood pressure is normal, Mia's heart rate was about 150, and my weight is still steadily climbing (I'm one of the lucky ones who's weight doesn't seem to slow....ever. awesome.). I was measuring 38 cm (not of dialation....we're talking fundus here) which is about normal for me. I always seem to measure a little big, but nothing Guiness Book worthy. I guess the part I was (oddly, given the way the results are procured) looking forward to, was to see if we were making any forward progress. I knew she had dropped because now I get these lovely shooting pains in my very upper, inner thighs randomly that are so painful they make my knees buckle. I like to call them "ankle rollers"....this just keeps getting more fun ;-) Well after her exam, my doctor determined that I am 40% effaced, but still closed (not dilated). She said with a certain amount of confidence that she WOULD see me this Friday, and given that its Wendesday now, I'd say she's probably right. She also said that we would most likely see some progress in the dilation department this week.....I hope she's right. She also retracted her last guess at Mia's weight. She seems to think now that she'll be just an average 7-7 1/2 vagina litterally sighed with relief. My next appointment is this Friday at 10:45. I am very eagerly waiting to see if Mia is making any progress in her downward journey :)

When I got the results of my last appointment, I was conflicted about how I felt. Mia is full term now, so she would be perfectly fine if she was born at any point now. That gives me a lot of comfort. On the other hand, I am in the middle of my last week at work, and honestly, I just want to make it through. I am the kind of person who would be forever bothered to leave something undone. I have to fully complete my task before I can check it off my to-do list. Its just my rule. This task is not done until Friday at 4(ish). Having said that, these last couple of weeks at work have been very stressful. I have worked for my Dad's company for 4 1/2 years. My job is second nature to me. I know the customers when they call, I can guess what they want, tell you where they live, how much we charge them and who their service tech is....all without looking them up. In the course of the last few months here I have transitioned the company over to new software, having to manually enter far more information that I thought was going to be necessary. While trying to learn a new program myself, I have been teaching 3 different people here how to do my job. I'm physically and mentally exhausted. But I feel confident after this week that Pestworks will go on without me.....possibly more smoothly than when I was here....and that makes me proud. I say all that to say that I have been tense lately. I dont think Mia has had any choice but to stay put as my muscles are clenched so tight she couldnt bust through if she wanted to. Now, when I walk out of this office on Friday, that is going to change.....there is a good chance my kid is going to fall straight out of my lady parts - no passing go, no collecting $200. So, have your phones close....or your tv's on....this could be news breaking ;-)

As far as how I feel....ugh. I'm going to sum it up like this.....
I think all of you who know me, know I like to look at least somewhat cute when I leave my house. I try to tame my hair and put on make up. And I almost always wear something that makes me feel good about myself paired with a cute pair of shoes and earrings. Well, Friday night when Dan turned to me (sitting on the couch in sweats with an old tank top that barely covered my stomach, no bra, hair in a messy pony tail) and asked if we could go out for dinner, my immediate reaction was "Do you care if I go like this?" I'm not going to lie wasn't pretty. I'm pretty sure that I have officially stopped caring. He, being hungry, said he didn't care, so not only did I suggest that I be in public looking like hell.....I actually followed through. Fantastic.
So....that's how I feel. Ready to not be pregnant. Ready to wear a shirt and not worry that it is going to cover my stomach. Ready to see what the area below my belly button looks like again (although I may want to wait a couple months to take a really close look). Ready to wear pants without an elastic waist band. Ready to wear cute underwear that don't look like we could camp underneath them. Ready. Just ready.

So Mia, if you're reading my thoughts as I write this......bring it. Mama's ready!

I havent been very good at keeping up with pics lately....I think it falls into the 'not caring' category, so I had Dan snap some this morning before he left. I haven't been sleeping well so please excuse my face.....or just get used to it. I have a feeling it will look that way for a while to come ;-)

37W 5D

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