Thursday, September 1, 2011

The things I don't want to forget.....

Today I am 33 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I can see the light! And its a good thing because I'm running out of steam.

From the start of this journey, I have tried my best to be diligent about documenting every little thing. I literally have a pregnancy journal where I can record my moods, cravings, waist size, and weight, the similac dr. appt journal that they give you on your first visit where I record the baby's heart rate every appt and what we went over that day, along with my measurements and blood pressure, and no fewer than 3 apps on my phone where I record the exact same things that I have already recorded in the aforementioned places......and of course, there's this blog that I use mainly as an outlet to let everyone else know what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling and what Mia's doing (or at least what I guess she's doing) from a week to week basis. I also take pictures weekly to remind myself how huge I'm getting and and share that information with the world not only on this blog, but on facebook. Yep, I'm completely ridiculous. Despite the 900 places I have written things down, I keep feeling like there are things that I am going to want to remember that I haven't written anywhere. When I talk to Kristin, she tells me that even though Cooper is less than a year old, she forgets what being pregnant feels like, and what she was craving at certain points, or when she stopped being able to see her feet....all things that she swore in the moment that she would never forget! It got me to thinking that maybe I should just jot those things down here goes.....

* I order a side of jalapenos with almost every meal I eat....and there are never any left when I am done
* I visit sonic at least 4 times a week and order either a large diet cherry limeade, ocean water or vanilla diet coke- I'm convinced these 3 drinks could be the solution to the world's problems
* Just this week, Dan and I ordered pizza 3 times in 5 days.....and there were never any leftovers
* If I don't have some sort of ice cream in my freezer, I get anxiety and worry how I am going to cope when dinner is done
* I caught a glimpse of myself in the window walking to my last dr. appt and would swear I was as wide as I am tall, I chalked it up to a weird angle and the fact that it wasnt actually "a mirror". When I got home, I was in disbelief that my umpa loompa like reflection had followed me to my own mirror
* I sometimes feel sad for absolutely no reason, start crying, then start laughing because I have no idea why I'm crying - I'm noticing my raging hormones are way worse now than they ever were in the previous two tri-mesters
* I cannot sit down or stand up without making some sort of grunting noise.....I have tried to do it silently, its like trying to sneeze with your eyes open
* When 4 o'clock hits at work, I start thinking about the things I need to do when I get home. Then i realize I would rather just stay at work later than go home and do any of least then I feel like I've accomplished something somewhere so I feel less guilty about going home and doing absolutely nothing
* I'm a laundry person, I do laundry probably 3 times a week. This week, I forgot all about it until Dan had to go to work commando because he was out of underwear....and I resorted to a questionably fitting pair that should probably be thrown away
* Now, when I look straight down, I really can't see my feet :(
* I have an affinity for spaghetti and meatballs that I never had before. I could literally eat it for every meal (with a side of jalapenos)
* I've caught myself yelling at Luci for things like being in the kitchen or bathroom (two places she knows she's not supposed to go) or for just moving around and generally annoying me. I have a fear that I will react the same when Mia is able to move on her own, so I am trying diligently to speak to Luci as though she is a toddler.....she's not nearly as receptive.
* I look back at pictures I posted at 8 and 9wks pregnant where I wrote captions like "really starting to show now!" and I want to go back and slap myself. I guess you never know until it happens, but I had no idea my body would transform the way it has.

I know there is a lot more that will come to me as soon as I post this, but for now, I guess thats good. If i interject random bullet points into future posts, you will know what its in regards to.

I have a dr appointment next Friday which is also the weekend that Dan and I do the Childbirthing class at the hospital and I have my second baby shower (yay!). Its going to be a busy week, but I am really looking forward to it :) Time is really flying now. I can't believe she's almost here!!

Here we are:
33 Weeks

And here is a quick look back at me and "MJ" at 15wks.....Yea, i was a real heffer ;-)

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