Monday, September 5, 2011

oh, so THAT'S what you mean by "nesting"!

Hello friends! Today I am 34 weeks and 3 days pregnant. We have less than 6 weeks left! Mia could literally come at any point now, although I'm really hoping she waits at least until October 1st....BUT if she could make it before the 15th that would be great. I'm trying to say that alot now because from what I read, she's able to recognize voices she hears on a regular basis, and being that she's going to be a genius, I'm sure she can already fully understand what I'm saying ;-)

There is no doubt that I feel more pregnant every day. Each day simple things get harder to do and every day my walk turns a little less swagger and a little more waddle. Mia is still moving around A LOT, but since she's not able to actually flip and turn, I think she's lashing out by testing the structural integrity of my uterus. The things I feel are absolutely incredible. When she does her impression of a human bomb suddenly exploding into every inch of my insides, I feel it from my butt to up under my ribs....and although the doctors and all the pregnancy books like to call it "uncomfortable", I'll just let you hurts. She also regularly gets cozy up under my ribs which would be totally fine if I didn't need oxygen, but I have yet to figure out to remain alive without breathing, so her and I battle it out and to date, I have won. I still feel very lucky that I only have to get up once every couple nights to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The other nights, I just go in bed....thank God for rubber sheets ;-) only kidding. I'm really grateful that my sleep hasnt suffered much over the course of the last 8 months.....I occasionally have a hard time falling back to sleep when I make a mid-night bathroom run and I am often in some pain from being in one position for so long when i wake up, but aside from that, I get in a good 8+ hrs pretty regularly.

But lets really get down to it......I have started a new phase of pregnancy. One I was SURE I had missed or was going to avoid due to sheer exhaustion. NESTING! I know about 45 women that are pregnant right now (mostly on facebook, but some of whom I speak with on a regular basis) and I have heard almost all of them talk at one point or another about "nesting". Well up until a couple days ago, I was sure that I was one of the rare few who would not experience this whole phase. I figured, I'm already only 6 wks out.....we're running out of time for what seemed to me like a grueling string of tedious and possibly unnecessary organizational projects. Well Saturday morning I woke up and looked around my house. There was tons that needed to be done. Everywhere I looked I saw a project. I decided to settle on organizing my gift wrap....I obviously prioritized based on need, and gift wrap being a pressing issue at the moment ;-) I have no idea why that was so important, but now, if anyone needs a gift bag, card (for any occasion), ribbon, or tape, I am your woman! After a baby shower on Saturday, I finished the day off with scrubbing the house from top to bottom, organizing under the sinks in our bathroom, doing 3 loads of laundry and sorting through 2 huge boxes of hand me downs that Amie sent over. I thought I had it all out of my system until I had Dan help me completely re-organized our kitchen cabinets after dinner tonight. I wish I could say I was close to being done now, but this urge has taken over....there's no telling what I'll be organizing next!

Well there's not a whole lot else going on right now. I have my next doctors appointment on Friday morning. I really feel like she is going to tell me that Mia is starting to drop....I feel her little kicks and punches so low now....I kind of feel like she may drop out my butt at any moment sometimes (and yes, I know thats not the normal exit strategy). Next weekend is going to be super crazy and awesome. We have our childbirthing class on Friday night and all day Saturday then my baby shower on Sunday (SO EXCITED!).....I just can't believe how real this all is. I think back to the day in February when I peed on the stick that changed my life, it seems like years ago now. But now, here we are....going to meet our baby in just a few weeks!!

So here we are.....
34 Weeks 3 days....please excuse my sagging boobs, I'm still getting used to needing to wear a bra and to be perfectly honest, when I'm at home, I don't care ;-)

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