Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Picture Update

Hello friends and family :) Today I'm 36 wks 3 days pregnant - only 3 1/2 weeks left!! This isn't going to be much of an update, I'm mainly posting just because I've been slacking on the pictures lately.

At my doctors appointment last week, I hadn't progressed at all. I honestly had no feelings either way about that.....I am definitely ready for her to be here and feel like the less time she has to gain weight, the better for the sake of my nether region, but at the same time, I still have a week and a half of work left and plenty of things left undone, so I am kind of hoping she stays put at least until October 1st. I opted to not make the trip to Houston this weekend for one of my best friends weddings....it was a decision that I struggled with and went back and forth on all last week. In the end, I just didn't feel comfortable leaving. So I didnt. The silver lining was that Dan and I completely finished buying what we needed for the house and we are now completely ready for little Mia's arrival :) Well....I mean ready as far as she has a place to sleep and clothes to wear, I'm not sure anyone is ready for the emotional and physical impact this little one is going to have on us!

I took my maternity pics last Thursday. I have posted some of the unedited pics below, she is still working on some of them and I'll post those when they're ready. This was another thing I had gone back and forth on, but in the end, I'm really glad I did it. I think that for how unattractive I feel at the moment, these turned out ok.....and I'm pretty sure I needed that.

As far as how I'm feeling.....I feel ok. I now wake up to hands and feet that are swollen and painful (super awesome) so I can't wear either of my wedding rings anymore :( This morning I'm pretty sure I pulled a back muscle just bending over, and I'm finding it harder to get any kind of good sleep. But I guess given that we only have a few weeks left, it could be worse. Mia still moves around ALL THE TIME which is pretty cool except that I feel like she's been sharpening her bones or learning to make weapons or something in there, because good lord those little jabs are painful at times!

My next appointment is this Friday at 11:30. I'll update again after that :)

We'll call these my 36 wk pics.....

This is one that will be edited to show her birth date on the card

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