Monday, October 3, 2011

So this is what the unemployed people do.....

Well, today I am 38 weeks and 2 days. There are only 12 more days until Mia's due date.....that's right, DAYS. We're not even counting in weeks anymore, because there are not even 2 left! I have to say, for it being less than a week since I last updated, there sure is a lot to catch up on. So here goes.....

Friday marked the last day of work for me. It was also my last doctors appointment. It was an emotion filled day. Emotions that I was not expecting to have. I think that everyone has dreamed at one point in time (or many points in time) to not have to get up and go to work every day. I am no different. I can't tell you how long I have been counting down the days until last Friday. So, when last Friday arrived, I expected to be overcome with happiness...completely elated to not have to get up to an alarm anymore or to be one someone else's time clock for 40 hours of my week. well let me just tell you, I was feeling a lot of things on Friday when I woke up, but happiness and elation were not two of them. I was surprised to be overcome with anxiety and sadness. I guess after almost 5 years working at a place where you know people count on you and you know that by just showing up, you are making a difference, there is a sort of solemness that goes along with leaving. I think as much as I bitched and moaned about my job and some of the completely ridiculous things that came out of customers' mouths, just the feeling of having a place and serving a purpose made it all worth while. I am currently in the process of reminding myself that I still have a place and I still serve a purpose, its just that my place is now at home and my purpose is now taking care of my family. And after making it through half of my first day "on the job".....I think I'll be just fine :)

The other emotional part of my day on Friday was my doctors appointment. I think the key to not being disappointed when going to the doctor is to go in with absolutely no expectations. In other words, I would need to be someone completely other than myself. I think that I expected for her to tell me that I was starting to dilate and that my little one would be here soon, or I expected her to immediately admit me to the hospital because I was, in fact, in labor and was dilated to a 5 without even knowing it. Well, given that its Monday and I am sitting here updating my blog and still VERY MUCH pregnant, you can deduce that that was NOT the case. She informed me that I had actually made NO progress at all. None. At all. She may as well have told me that I was going to be pregnant for the rest of my life. I was devastated. I'm pretty sure it was only because I had forgotten to submit "my plan" to her in my previous visit though.....I will not make that mistake twice ;-) So, we scheduled my next visit for this Friday and I am fairly confident that I will still be with child. And, now that its Monday and I have gotten off of my emotional rollercoaster of a month (September), I am ok with that. I think for me its hard to have this down time, as much as I am told that I need to take advantage because it is the last I will experience for the rest of my life. I am working on that though.

So, this morning I woke up, made coffee, did laundry, watched crap tv, finished Thank You notes, looked up dinner recipes and WORKED OUT....and that was before lunch. I also didn't get out of my PJ's until almost 11! I have to admit, its been a pretty awesome day :) I think I am definitely starting to understand that I do need this time to relax, and let me just tell you, I'm enjoying it so far.

As far as how I'm feeling, I guess I feel pretty good considering I'm wearing a full term human on the inside of my skin. I have had more energy today than I've had in months and Mia is definitely taking her place in the southern portion of my torso! She still moves around constantly, but now she has bouts of stillness that make me think she's sleeping. I feel like I still haven't wrapped my brain totally around the fact that at some point in the next couple of weeks, the silence that I'm hearing right now will be filled with the coos and cries of my little girl. I can't tell you how excited I am about that. Its hard to believe that you can be so in love with a person that you've never even seen, but she's already stolen my heart and wrapped her daddy around her little finger. So, whenever she decides to come is just fine with us....we'll just be here waiting.

So here we are.....
38 Weeks and 1 Day

1 comment:

  1. I think it's wonderful that you can devote 100% of your time to Mia! She will consume your every waking hour. I know you are anxious to have her but enjoy this last week and half and do things that make you happy. It will be last time you can focus on you. I hope you're able to relax and enjoy the awesome ride that's in front of you!
