Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will you still be my friend if I wear velcro tennis shoes?

So today I am 32 weeks and 6 days along. This means that I only have 7weeks and 1 day left (in theory). Wow. I've never had a length of time seem so long AND so short all at the same time.

There's not a whole lot to update on since last week. Its still ridiculously hot and I'm still huge and sweaty. I have noticed what little energy I have left slowly draining from my body. I may or may not be comatose by October 15th. In the very rare instances that I do have energy, I am trying to get in a workout. Its amazing how much differently that word is defined in my brain now as opposed to before I was pregnant. Sometimes I feel like my pre-pregnancy ghost is mocking me as I huff and puff through my little prenatal workout.....I sure hate that skinny bitch sometimes ;-) Before I got pregnant, I would come home, throw on my running shorts and shoes and go for a quick 3-miler or I would sweat my buns off to an hour long Jillian Michaels video (its way more hardcore than it sounds). Now, when I get winded coming up the stairs....or just getting into my car.....I like to think I'm burning calories and I totally count it as working out. Oh, and instead of just "throwing on my running shoes" I now have to figure out how to get them on without untieing them because I have recently discovered I am no longer able to tie my own shoes. Fantastic. Upon first discovering this new little gem, I momentarily considered where I could find a pair of velcro running shoes....then decided I'd probably just stop working out before I would spend money on something like that. Or the alternative.....just wear them untied. I mean, lets face it, my feet don't really move that much during workouts these days, so I'm not really putting myself in any danger of tripping over the loose ends ;-)

I guess besides the usual complaints and general aches and pains, I am feeling pretty good :) Dan and I have been taking advantage of our free weekends and our ability to do nothing.....its been really fantastic, although we are really looking forward to weekends filled with spending time with our little one :) I have another Dr appt tomorrow afternoon then another in 2 weeks....after that, we're weekly! CRAZY!!!! September is already shaping up to be a very busy month so hopefully it will fly by and October will be here with is cooler weather and our Kung Fu Princess :) Yep, she has spent her time on the inside perfecting her little (and by little, I mean painful) jabs and kicks. Sometimes I wonder if she's having a party or something because I'm positive there is the strength of more than one child inside of me....

I guess that's it for now....
me and my huge face.....I mean 32 wks :)

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