Thursday, March 31, 2011

Growing Belly.....

I have had a recent request for new belly pics, so here we go......
This is 9 1/2 weeks

and growing.....this is 11 wks and 6 days :)

God is always listening....and reading apparently

So, in the last blog I wrote, I made note of the fact that "I didn't really look or feel pregnat". Well, not that I intended that as a prayer request from my mouth/blog to God's ears, but he sure answered!! Tuesday I put on one of my old favorite pairs of jeans, I spent the rest of the day feeling like they were choking me out! That was the last time that those jeans will be worn sans belly band :( Yesterday, I put on another pair of jeans and was convinced the Tuesday pair had just shrunk, because I had no problem buttoning this pair that was the exact same size......Yea.....right. I took a look in the mirror and found my zipper fighting for its life to keep my goods under wraps. Then, last night, Kristin came by with my favorite little man, and confirmed that I did, in fact, LOOK pregnant. I have to keep reminding myself that when someone tells you that, it does NOT mean that I look fat.....I'm still working on that. Although, after she left, I did take a little time to admire my new little belly in the mirror, careful not to turn around to see that it had also grown a friend on the other side of my body, that was not carrying a child :-/ the looking pregnant thing covered. Thanks, God.

Since my last posting, I have lost all cravings. In fact nothing sounds good. You could put a burger covered in sourpunch bites, wrapped in pizza in front of me and I wouldnt even salivate. True story. However, I am quickly finding that when one thing stops, another starts. I only thought I was breaking out bad before.....I had no idea what I was in for :( My whole face and chest are rebelling against me, and I'm not sure there is enough cleanser in the world to make a dent. Not to mention, my husband suggested that I bring a donut to work to sit on to ease the comfort of another little gem I have recently discovered....oh the joys of pregnancy. And now, have the feeling pregnant thing covered as well. Again, thanks for listening, God.

I know it sounds like I'm complaining....mainly because I complain a lot, and have a captive audience who seems to be entertained by it, but I am learning day by day that there is nothing I wouldn't endure for my little MJ. I keep reminding myself that the acne is temporary and the hemmroids will eventually go away, but my little girl or boy will be with me forever. Yep, they have the rest of their life to hear about what they put their mother through! ;-)

Next visit in 2 weeks!! Can't wait :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'll take a burger with a side of pizza ice cream.....

Welcome to week 12!! So far it has been an interesting ride....luckily not a bumpy one though. Its really hard for me to believe that I've actually been preggo for 3 months now!! Seems like just yesterday I was in the bathroom peeing on my hand...I mean a stick ;-) and then another one. and another..... I guess looking back, time has passed quickly. Although, looking forward, I still feel like little MJ is never going to get here.

I know I have said at times that I haven't really felt "pregnant" so far. I mean, I am starting to get a little pooch and have put on about 5 lbs, but I haven't been bent over the toilet hurling my guts up....and for some reason I feel like that would have made this seem more real. To all those rolling your eyes and shaking your heads, I am aware of how "special needs" that whole statement sounds. And trust me, if the rest of my pregnancy goes as smoothly as these first 11 weeks, then I hate to admit it, but I am going to be that (crazy) woman who goes around raving about how much she LOVED being pregnant and can't wait to do it all over again....and let's face it, no one likes that woman. No one.

I think to counter act the fact that I still don't really look different and luckily, don't really feel pregnant, God has reassured me that I am by giving me ridiculous cravings that I absolutely have NO POWER to resist. So I went to the grocery store last week and I walked out with, and I would never kid about something like this, 2 frozen pizzas, 2 pints of ice cream, a bag of chips, a jar of salsa, and a box of sour punch bites. Nope, I was not the guest of honor at a 13 yr old's sleep over....that was for me. I think most of you that are reading this have known me for a while and are aware that my eating habits have always been relatively health conscious. Pre-pregnancy, I may have craved a piece of candy, but the guilt alone of eating a whole box of sour punch bites would force me into the gym before they candy even entered my mouth. Well, I assure you, that is NO LONGER a problem. I downed that box and when I got to the last piece, the only thing I felt was saddness that the deliciousness was gone. Another thing I cannot seem to deny myself is burgers. I'm not talking about turkey burgers or veggie burgers, I'm talking about meat. Good old fashioned RED meat. If you smother it in cheese and pile it high with all the fixings, I'm in. So, given the current state of my appetite, I will have the not looking like I'm pregnant thing covered in about 4 minutes.....

Besides all that, I'm feeling pretty good still. I am trying to stay active when I have the energy, and the weather recently is making that a lot easier. I have officially grown out of my bras, so despite that fact that I have to pay for new ones, I am THRILLED :)

Oh, one more thing....Dan and I bought our first piece of baby furniture!! We knew from the beginning that we wanted a glider (possibly the most comfortable piece of furniture my toosh has every encountered) and we found a great deal on one this weekend so we couldnt resist! MJ's room, which we refer to at the moment as the Stud-ery (study-nursery), is no longer empty! I can't wait until I walk by and see all the furniture...and better yet, our baby, when i walk by :) Still so excited, and can't wait to meet our little angel.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hearing is believing.....

Well, I went to the doctor last week for my blood work and pelvic violation....I mean exam. I was planning on going by myself, because I didnt think that we would actually be making any kind of contact with our little MJ on this visit. Well, before I went, I talk to Kristin who is a patient at the same doctor's office, and she informed me that they would probably try to hear the heart beat this time. Well immediately I called Dan and made him feel HORRIBLE for not coming with me (because he, of course, should have read my doctors mind and KNOWN they were going to listen for the heartbeat), but he was already super swamped at work and was pretty sure he wasn't going to be able to get away. I completely understood, but was secretly disappointed that he was going to miss this milestone that I wanted to share with him. Well, I pull up to the Hospital and park, and guess who pulls up beside me....yep, Mr. Dan Jones :) He really made my day. I think I may have even cried a little....ok, I did cry a little.

Well, we got into the room and I put on my favorite piece of non-clothing....nothing like a gown that looks like a curtain from grandma's house and opens clear down the front to make you feel like a super model. And we waited. While we waited, we talked. I think every time we go to the doctor, the idea of having a baby becomes more and more real. I guess the pictures of ovaries and uteri help too.....

So, the doctor comes in and she goes over what she was going to do which included feeling me up, and groping my uterus, and she neglected to mention the heartbeat we were so looking forward to hearing! So, I asked her if we were going to be able to hear it. She informed us that they normally don't hear anything until the 11th week (I was only a couple days into week 10) so she didnt want to try and have us worry if we didnt hear anything. We assured her that we would not freak out if there was no sound detected (although truthfully, I'm sure I would have paniced at least a little bit....) so she told us she would try. Well after all the fun stuff (insert sarcastic font here), the most amazing thing happened......She pulled out the baby microphone and put it right where MJ was sitting....right on the first shot! at that moment, we heard the most beautiful sound we have ever heard. It was like a little angel flapping his/her little wings :) I can still hear it when i close my was amazing.

People have asked me what the heart rate was, and if it was fast or slow....but honestly, neither of us have an answer. I think we were just so greatful to be able to hear it, we didnt even think to ask anything else. I think thats how I feel about everything now. I don't care if we have a boy or a girl or how big or small they are....I just want them to be healthy and be able to listen to that little heartbeat forever :)

So, just when I thought I had already experienced the best day of my life....they just keep coming :) And I have a feeling that we have many more in store.

As for me, I'm feeling good. I still don't feel like I look pregnant....unless I've just eaten. I thought for a minute this weekend that my long, lost friend, energy had returned, but I was mistaken. I am pretty sure I almost face-planted in my chicken and rice last night at 7...good times. Well, I'm 10 1/2 weeks today....almost through 1/3 of my pregnancy. I'd like to say the time is flying, but honestly, its just creeping by. I have a feeling once my feet disappear from sight, I will not have the same complaint.

Next Dr. appointment is April 15th and then the one after that should reveal if we are having a little girl or a little excited about that one...and hearing the little heartbeat again :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Real vs. Imagined

I know I just posted the other day, but I dont feel like I was in a very good place, so my writing was not up to par. In other words, I did not amuse myself when I re-read it. Don't worry....I will do my best to avoid writing next time when I am not feeling at least moderately entertaining. So, for that, my apologies.

After I posted, I started to think about how I thought things were going to be when I got pregnant. I think that every woman at some point, pictures this time in their life, much like they picture their wedding day. Mostly, we picture looking like the pregnant women in the magazines who look slightly anorexic from the rear and who would NEVER get something as gross as a hemmroid or gas that puts both their husband AND dog to shame. I believe we all think that there is no way we will sit around on our couches eating, well, whatever is in the refrigerator. Well, after talking to many a mommy, both new and "experienced" (that was for you mom, see, you're not old ;)), and I have established that while some of us may mask it better than others, we are all gross when we're pregnant. Don't get me wrong. I still think its a beautiful, and amazing experience, but lets face it, there are some less than appealing "Side-effects" that go along with it....

I can't speak for all women, so I will just speak for myself. Here are the things that I have experienced so far that have totally blown my "that would never happen to me" pre-pregnancy statements out of the water....

1. I'm pretty sure that i remember telling Dan at some point in our pre-pregnancy (PP) discussions how I would probably become a fixture at the gym, you know, because I wouldnt be going out anymore, and what else was I going to do?? I'll tell you what I do.....I do nothing. Now, don't get me wrong, I still go for a walk a couple times a week, and on a rare occasion  I do make it to the gym for a quick cardio workout before work, but I'm positive that no one thinks I'm any kind of fixture up there. I had no idea I would be so drained all the time! I used to workout daily,  and before the wedding, TWICE a day. Now, I consider it a good day when I'm not winded if I'm trying to talk on the phone and walk up my one stair case. Its ridiculous.
2. When I was 13, I was pretty sure that I was going through puberty for my first, AND ONLY time. Now, at 28, I'm not so sure. Minus the bleeding part, I would swear I was reliving a part of my life that I never wanted to revisit. My skin is breaking out in ways and places that I never dreamed (or nightmared, if thats a word) possible. I have literally resorted to washing my face 2-3 times a day, applying a facemask every 2 days and spot treating all my new little friends with alcohol to dry them out. Its awesome....and I'm quite positive that it only amplifies my sex appeal at the moment ;-)
3. Lets talk about another little gem.....this one, I started noticing when I started on my prenatal vitamins. GOOD LORD WITH THE HAIR GROWTH!! I have never been the kind of girl to shave regularly (I've made sure that Dan loves me for my personality, and not my hygeine ;-)), but now, I can shave and by the time I get out of the shower, I am already prickly. Yep, Dan's not only going to get a baby, but he's also acquired a wooly mammoth. What a lucky guy!
4. Last, but certainly not least, lets address the gas issue. Or, better yet, we'll just leave it alone. I do want to leave some things to the imagination.....We'll just say that burping is no longer the only natural occurance on my list of party tricks ;-)

Well, thats all I can think of for now. I know it probably sounds like I am complaining, but if this is what you go through to grow a little miracle inside you, I wouldn't trade one zit or tuft of hair to change it.

Yesterday started week 10 for me! I'm headed back to the doctor on Wednesday to get poked and prodded...again, all for the benefit of our little miracle....and I'm looking forward to it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just for the sake of an update.....

Hello again faithful followers :) I wish I could say that I have TONS to catch you up on, but then I would be lying....and I try my best not to lie when it is avoidable. In the last week or so, there haven't been any new and great changes to speak of. I feel like I wake up either looking pregnant or having to remind myself that I am. I have taken some belly pics that are posted below. Honestly, I think there is maybe a slight change from one month to another, but it could have been the huge meal we ate at Dan's mom's house before the last pic. Even before MJ, i looked pregnant when leaving there most of the time :)
4 1/2 weeks - the day we found out!
I think this is  6 weeks 2 days
8 weeks exactly

I decided that I would be against my better judgement to post the pics of how my boobs have progressed, so those will remain in the vault ;-) haha. I'm kidding.

I have my next doctors appointment next Wednesday, and from what I understand, I will be going back monthly until I'm about 26 weeks then it will be twice a month, then weekly in the last month. Thinking about it like that makes it seems like MJ's arrival is just around the corner! I think thats why I try to think about it like that more often than taking it "day by day".

Meanwhile, Dan and I are making our house a place that is more comfortable and fun to be at, as we are spending more and more time here :) We have made our patio a little oasis with new furniture and a brand spanking new grill!! We tested it out for the first time last weekend with Kristin, Jon and mini-Coop and I think it was a success.

As for me, I have been on a rollercoaster ride when it comes to energy. It seems to come in spurts, and when I'm out, I'm out! Same with my appetite. I have a new appreciation for desserts of any well as stretchy pants ;-) Besides that, me, Dan and MJ are just hanging out enjoying our down time before its a thing of the past.

More to come......

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MJ - Coming October 15th to Theaters near you!

Ok, this is the first time I have tried to post pics, so if this doesnt go well, please bear with me.....I will work the kinks out in the next 7 Months....I'm sure of it!
MJ - 5 wks 6 days
If you will see the two little stars, there is one at MJ's head and another at his/her little rump.....only 10 days later, this is what we saw......

The little bat-looking character hanging from the top of my uterus is MJ...more than doubled in size!!

The Dr. appointment yesterday went very well. We got to really see the heartbeat this time (rate of 141, no idea what that means). And we actually SAW MJ! I mean, really saw him/her....we didnt just have to do the nod and smile and act like you saw him because you know your a terrible parent if all you saw was  a white piece of fuzz on the screen. It was amazing. I am so shocked that this little thing is actually growing inside me :)

We visited with the Dr. briefly and scheduled my next round of blood work and VD testing (don't worry guys, its standard, and I have a certain amount of confidence that I am not carrying syphillis or clymidia) She is also going to refer us to someone who can do genetic testing....although Dan and I have already determined that we are opting out of those sorts of tests. We will handle stuff like that as it comes, AFTER MJ is here, no need to worry about it while he is still safe inside me and there is nothing we can do about it. But that, of course, is our own personal opinion and not something that is for everyone :)

Besides that, I have started to work out again in the mornings. I find that since I have 0 energy when I get off work, I better get it out of the way first thing! I have also started to feel a little nauseaus during the day occasionally, but no vomiting to date! I think it mainly has to do with my stomach getting empty, and once I'm hungry, I'm STARVING! There seems to be no happy medium for me. But, I can deal with it :) I feel like I've had it pretty easy so far, so you won't hear too much complaining from me.... Now Dan, he may disagree, but i try to save it for him ;-) I've gotta milk, this pregnancy thing right??

Well, I guess thats it for now......