Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feeling especially lucky today.....

Weekends like this one remind me of how lucky I am. I have done nothing note-worthy this weekend, but at every turn, I have been reminded how many people around me love me...and how lucky I am to have them all in my life.

To start off, I thank God every day that I got to marry my best friend, and biggest supporter since my mother. I think I always was afraid to go through a pregnancy for fear that I would feel alone. I was worried that everyone else's life would carry on, and I would just meet up with them in 9 months (or whenever I got the whole kid thing figured out). So far, I could not have been more wrong. Dan has made it a point to stay home with me when I feel tired, cater to my every craving food-wise, and make sure that we have fun in ways that we never have before. Who knew that one day I would consider an hour long trip to Target, a 5 o'clock dinner, and then a leisurely stroll through Home Depot looking for plants my idea of an awesome Friday night? yep, not me either. Well, guess what, I was wrong. Turns out I am amazingly boring these days...and Dan Jones still loves me, and I think he secretly enjoys it himself ;-)

 I then found myself at the yogurt shop with another of my most favorite people, Kristin, who used to be my drinking buddy (and I'm sure will resume the position once I can drink again ;-)) As we sat there reflecting on our lives and how far we have come and how many changes have happened over the course of a decade, we saw 2 high schoolers walk in, and determined we had made it full circle. We are back to enjoying yogurt instead of boozing it up on a Friday night....funny how things work out. My girlfriends are another source of my happiness these days. I could not ask for better friends, and I thank you all for being there to listen to me rant about my insecurities and gush about how excited I am about meeting my new little one. I feel so grateful to have such an amazing support system!

Today I went to my Mom's for my Dad and Paupie's birthday. Again I was surrounded by people that I consider myself lucky to be able to call family. I've said it once, and I'll say it again....I know that while our family may be considered "normal" because my parents have been married to each other and only each other for all these years, it is anything but. To encounter a group of siblings/cousins that actually enjoy each other's company, and don't just get together twice a year for the holidays (with grimaces on their faces and hangovers the next day from the amount of alcohol it took to recover from the 2 hour ordeal), its anything but normal. And I love it.

I know that I can be sarcastic and I tend to make light of things that are going on right now, but today and this weekend really made me appreciate what I have. I feel very good knowing that MJ is going to be immediately surrounded by so much love. I couldn't imagine it any other way :)

As for me, I guess I don't need to go into detail about my mental state.....I'm pretty mushy and lovey today. I went for a walk this morning to try to counter act the 9 meals a day that I can't help myself from eating, although, between you me and the waist of my jeans, its going to take more than a weekly walk ;-) Besides that, we are just excited to see our little MJ again tomorrow!!

Oh, and so they don't get left boobs are officially a half a size larger, and for the first time in my life, one of my size A (yes they still make bras that small) bras is too small. score! ;-)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No skipping meals for this momma!

What I may or may not have inadvertently forgot to mention about our first visit to the doctor, is that since I have not yet "officially" changed my name to 'Jones' our sonogram read 'Baby Swindle'. Dan was disappointed to say the least, since me and MJ are both very much Joneses in every other sense. So, in order to wipe the frown and unspoken (or spoken) disappointment from my loving husband's face, I vowed that by the time we had our next sonogram, it WOULD read 'Baby JOnes'. And I am a woman of my word.

Today I made my way to the Social Security Office, where I'm pretty sure people go to rot considering the pace at which the office moves and the stench thats in the stale air there when you open the door. Since I was going on my lunch break, I made sure to tap my feet and check the time 18 hundred times to let everyone know I was in a hurry. Finally, I was called up and took care of step 1 of 2 in the conversion to Jones. Seeing as how the drive and wait took far longer than my lunch break, I rushed back to the office to make sure I didn't waste anymore time and neglected to pick up lunch on the way.

Well, I returned to the office and opened a pack of crackers thinking I could just hold myself over until I got home for dinner......MJ had different plans I think. I know I'm not supposed to feel him/her this early, but I swear I got kicked right in my belly button. It was like MJ's subtle way of already getting his/her way. So, in order to appease MJ, and of course for no other reason ;-), I vowed to not skip meals. I immediately ran to Chicken Express (for MJ's health, not because its what I wanted) and made it back to the office only to down a meal that I used to eat in 2 sittings. Awesome. I have really started a bad trend I think. I like to blame it on the fact that I recently started working out again, and you know, I am growing a fetus....thats no easy task.

Besides the constant hunger, and sore breasts (yep, i'm going to bring the girls up every time), and 89 trips to the bathroom on a daily basis....I'm good. Although, I think today, my hormones must be out of whack or something. I woke up to the notion that Dan "dream cheated" (you know, i had a dream where Dan cheated on me, I'm pretty sure "dream cheated" is the technical term for it) so I was almost in tears/wanting to rip his head off. Although he assured me that he, himself, had no control over what he did in MY dreams, I'm still not convinced ;). Then I had another small panic attack, when a friend of mine did not respond immediately to my email sharing the news with her. Of course, she was working and there was a glitch (as usual) on gmail. I think to say that today, I am slightly insecure, may be an understatement, but I am bound and determined to make it through the day without another meltdown. And considering I'm half way there and I don't plan to nap (in order to avoid any other dream situations), I'd say my odds are good.

I will begin my 8th week tomorrow and get to see my little blueberry again on Monday! Me and Dan can hardly wait!! More to come then........

Sunday, February 20, 2011

MJ's first Picture

So, our first Doctor visit was on Friday. We finally got to see our little appleseed, and it was amazing. MJ was VERY small though. So small, that if we had come even 2 days before, the sono tech wouldnt have been able to see anything! Dan and I sat in the dark room and stared up at the screen in awe. We watched the little flicker (the heart beat) and smiled from ear to ear. MJ was about 1.9 cm in length....I know what you're thinking, we MUST have a basketball player on our hands! ;-) When the sonogram was over, we sat and waited for the pictures to print so that we could see the Doctor, Dr. Ghodsi. When we got into her office, she informed us that everything looked A-Ok, BUT she wanted to see us back in a week so they could get a better reading of the heart beat, and so that she could nail down a due date. We, of course, are thrilled that we are going to see our precious little angel twice in 2 weeks!! And by the time we go back on the 28th, MJ will be double the size he was on the 18th! We can't wait!

So, to sum up, doctor visit number 1 went exceedingly well. And we are anxiously awaiting visit number 2 :)

The next visit we will meet with the doctor longer and discuss a plan and hopefully get all sorts of other information that will add to the overwhelming amount we are already trying to process.

As for me, I am good. I am feeling more pregnant everyday. Between my growing breasts and my widening rear end (yes, I know its still early to be letting myself go) and the fact that it takes an act of GOD to get me out of bed in the morning....I am constantly reminded that I have a little miracle growing inside me. And every day, I get more excited about meeting my little MJ :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No 2 pregnancies are the same

Since I took "the test" I have doubled my library and now am the proud (and slightly embarassed) owner/borrower (thanks Kristin and Amie!) of about 19 books on pregnancy. All of the books tell me what I should be doing, what is going on inside of my body, what my hormones are doing, and how I SHOULD be feeling. They also all emphasize that every woman gets pregnant differently, and to just take signals from your body, and don't worry if your symptoms are not "text book". Well its a good thing.....mine aren't!

I have always had a sensitive stomach, but that has only been amplified over the last few weeks. I keep trying to narrow down what is upsetting it in order to eliminate it from my diet and try to avoid the morning 'run screaming to the bathroom' episodes. For example, Dan was very sweet and brought me home my favorite the other night, Wendys. I ordered what I always order, a No. 1, with fries and a sprite (normally a diet coke, but cutting back on the caffeine these days). I woke up the next morning and thought I was dying. It felt like a temporary bout of food poisening. It was awful. So, I vowed no more Wendy's. Luckily it only lasted a short time and I was able to move on with my day. 2 days later, we went to eat at Soho for our Valentine's Day dinner and I ordered the most delicious Filet mignon. Well, its a good thing it looked good goin was quite a different story coming out first thing next morning. And to be more descriptive than I'm sure any of you want me to be....I have yet to throw up during this pregnancy....use your imagination, or don't if you're eating something while reading this. Well, I immediately decided that red meat was the problem. No more red meat. Problem solved, right? Wrong. Sunday night, I had a nice, tame piece of chicken. Monday morning, I thought I was going to die again. Poor Dan, had no idea what to do. I was pretty sure I was going to vomit and couldnt hold my head up, but couldnt remove myself from the toilet seat either (again, this blog is an optional read....i apologize for unexpected details that make you not want to love me anymore ;-)). So, there I sat. Trash can in hand, breaking out in a cold sweat hogging the only bathroom in the apartment during a time we both needed to get ready for work. Awesome. Well, I obviously made it through and have now established that it is, in fact, food in general that upsets my stomach, which unfortunately cannot be avoided.

So, while I hear a lot of women ranting about constipation during assured, I am not suffering in that department. I am also not throwing up. I guess we can mark one in the positive category! Also, this little routine i have going on has kept me from gaining any weight. I'm not sure which column that falls in just yet. For now, I am just grateful that this is only a morning routine, and not one that follows me all day long :)

I'd also like to take this time to mention how very lucky I feel to be going through this new experience with my partner in crime, the love of my life, Dan Jones. He is the most attentive and caring person I know and even at my worst, sitting on the toilet looking like death with a trash can covering my face....he still loves me.

I guess thats all for now....only 3 days till our first appointment!! more to come then :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

and now, we wait.....

Well, maybe I jumped the gun on starting up the blog thing so early. I feel like there's not a whole lot to update everyone on so early in the game. Trust me, I know that won't be the case soon :) I did make my first Dr. appointment this week! Its set for next Friday (in pregnancy time, that is exactly 181 thousand years away) BUT, they said they like to see you when you're between 6-8 weeks. I will be one day into my 7th week, so hopefully they'll be able to see the heartbeat.

As far as what I'm feeling....not much of anything (minus the excrutiating pain still coming from my chest). I guess in my mind, when I found out I was pregnant, I automatically would weigh 900 lbs and start to waddle instead of walk. I'm not sure why though....its not like I don't have friends and family who have gone through this exact same process and they didn't explode into pregnancy at 5 weeks either.

I know what all you moms out there are thinking "just wait, come June, you're going to be wondering where your feet, and other important body parts, went." I am aware its a process and I am looking forward to it all :) Mostly, because for the first time in my life, I will have breasts that don't resemble those of a pre-pubescent teen's.....I know....its the little things in life ;-) not to negate the fact that I could not be more thrilled to be growing a little human inside me, as weird of a thought as that is.

Dan and I went to look at baby furniture last weekend (to say we are excited is an understatement I think) and for the first time, I didnt feel out of place in Buy Buy Baby....although, I'm not going to lie, I was trying to stick my stomach out so everyone would know that I was going to be a mommy and we weren't just weirdos staring at baby furniture for no reason (not that we haven't done that before ;-)). I've also been reading a lot of different books...probably too many. On top of that, i am signed up for updates from 2 different website each sending me information daily on whats going on in my uterus. As of today, MJ (mini Jones) is the size of a sesame seed....yep, I guess when I thought I could "tell I was showing" it was just that huge bowl of chili I ate ;-)

One last thing, today I am officially in my 6th week!! Almost half way through my first tri-mester :) Time is already flying! Every day I get more and more excited to meet the little sesame seed growing inside me :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The best day of my life.....

Well, this is officially my first blog. I have mixed feelings about airing my thoughts and feelings for everyone to see, but I decided that this is a part of my life that I would love to share.
As I'm sure most of you know now, I am going to be a Mommy!! Dan and I found out we were pregnant on Thursday, February 3. Although we were "trying" to get pregnant, we were both shocked when I took the final test. We were both OVERLY anxious to find out our fate, so we put our trust in the hands of (stupid) early results pregnancy tests (2 to be specific) that showed negative results. Well, a couple of days later, after I had missed my period and felt like someone had used my breasts as punching bags, I decided maybe I had better take one know, just to be sure I was NOT pregnant. Well, as it turns out, when the instructions read "for more accurate results, wait until after your missed period" they are not joking. So, I proceeded to the kitchen to dispose of my glass of wine (don't judge me, I thought I wasnt pregnant) and began floating on cloud nine! Dan was on his way home and I was literally bursting at the seems to tell him.

When he walked in, I tried to wait patiently as he took what seemed like HOURS to put his things down and settle in on the couch. It was probably closer to 3 minutes, but I was slightly anxious. When I told him, his face lit up and his eyes welled up with tears. It was the most touching thing I had ever seen. Not that I have ever doubted that Dan was going to be the best Dad in the world, but to see how happy he was at the thought of it, well, it made my heart melt.

We discussed waiting until I had my first Dr. visit to start sharing our news, but both of us agreed that we could not wait!! The next day, first thing, we went to Babies R us and got a few little items to share the news with our parents. Everyone was thrilled, the mothers, however, were ECSTATIC :) It makes my heart smile to think about the exact moment and both of their was priceless.

We had a small scare on Saturday when I had some (what I considered) unusual bleeding, but after consulting with a Doctor, my mind was put at ease and we went back to cloud nine, where we still reside today :)

In future posts, I plan to just let you know how I'm feeling and what is going on in our lives. Today, I slept until 10AM, and for those who know me well, you know this is very abnormal. I also burst into tears 3 times at BuyBuyBaby while reading books and baby picture frames....yep, I think its official, I'm knocked up ;-)