Thursday, October 6, 2011

One week down....almost

Well, I made it to Thursday. My first week of staying home is almost over. Today I am 38 wks and 5 days pregnant. I don't know how it happened, but I somehow feel even more pregnant today than I did on Monday. This is getting ridiculous.

So I think my worries of being bored while at home have been eased this week. I have definitely kept myself busy (well, at least between sitting spells to catch my breath or rest my aching back ;-)). I started on Monday and I plan on finishing cleaning the apartment today. Yep, a task that used to take me 2 hours (tops!) now takes me almost a full week. I figure by doing it piece meal though, by the time I get done, I can enjoy it for the weekend then start over again on Monday ;-)

I wish I could say that the reality of having Mia here, like on the outside of my body, is starting to set in, but I think if this week has done anything, it has reconfirmed my enjoyment of peace and quiet....somewhat counter productive if you ask me. Luci, however, has been extra ridiculous this week....maybe she's just doing her part to help out. I have learned that Luci is adamantly opposed to naps that she, herself, is not directly involved in. For me, this means that I have had the opportunity to take one 45 minute nap during the course of the last 4 days. In her defense though, I did fall asleep right around her dinner time, so it was only fair that she sat at the foot of my bed whining non-stop, you know, so I wouldn't forget. I swear, she is the Rain Man of the animal kingdom. Only dog I know that can tell time...WITHOUT being able to see. She should probably be in Guiness Book.

As far as how I'm feeling....I'm super tired 90% of the time. I have learned to move a lot slower, not only because I have an extra 40lbs hanging off the front (well, and the back) side of my body, but because I have learned the hard way that trying to move too fast often results in pain. If I get up too fast, a lot of times I will have a shooting pain in my lower stomach from muscles that just weren't quite ready to change position. If I sit down too fast...well, I may break something, like a chair or my ass. Its a good thing its not a race ;-) Besides that, Mia is still moving a a lot a lot. But I think her lack of space is starting to piss her off, because those movements are no longer cute little sways, they are often very painful pokes that often times look like escape efforts. Trust me Mia, I'm ready for you to be here too.....but lets not deform my poor belly button anymore than it already is ;-)

I guess that's it for now. My doctor's appointment is tomorrow at 11:15. Please pray for some sort of progress....I could really use the reassurance that she really is coming :) I'll update after that. And I guess given that there are only 9 DAYS can probably expect more than the usual one update per week.

Also, thank you all for taking such an active interest in this part of my life. It has been really amazing to be able to put all my thoughts and feelings out there and get such great feedback. I sure love you guys....and I can't wait for Mia to meet you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, only 9 days! So glad you are enjoying your time at home. The peace and quiet is indescribable. That was one of the main things I loved about not working. That and being able to set your own schedule, wear your pjs until ridiculous hours of the day, having the time to clean the house in intervals across multiple days and trying new recipes. I totally understand why women love being house wives. I'm now really wanting to stay home after our little one arrives as well. We'll see what happens!
