Sunday, August 14, 2011

Overwhelmed is an Understatement

Today I am 31 wks and 2 days pregnant. I am wrapping up a weekend that  can only be described as: perfect.

To start off, let me just say that in the last post that most of my blog followers were emailed, but no longer have access to, I was having a bad day (also and understatement). I deleted the post shortly after writing it because I was worried I was coming off depressed and I certainly didnt want anyone to worry about me, or how my state of mind that day might be effecting my little dancer within. Luckily, the rest of my week rounded out to be much better. Not sure if that was only by comparison, or it if it was because of how excited I was to get to the events of the weekend or if my hormones just decided to give me, and those around me, a break for a minute. Regardless, I can assure you, I am no longer in a state of fact, its quite the opposite.

This weekend was an exciting weekend for me for many reasons. For one, my best friend of 20+ years was coming in town to stay with me. I hadn't seen Margaret since LAST November......pretty much an eternity. Secondly, this was the weekend of my very first baby shower! And lastly, because this week marks the week where we are officially down to double digits when it comes to the weekly countdown.

Margaret got here on Friday night around 8:30. I should probably start by saying that generally when Margaret comes to visit, we have quite the whirlwind couple of days! We manage to cram months worth of catching up and haning out into a short, often 48 hour, period. She would normally get here, immediately dump her suitcase on the floor in my bedroom for both of us to sift through while I would be busy pulling things from my closet so that we could, in junior high fashion, play dress up with each others' wardrobes which often closely resemble each other, and prepare for a night on the town. Well, given that Margaret is not 7 1/2 months pregnant, we skipped the ritualistic suitcase dump (there's no need to remind me I am not a size 2 anymore, pretty sure I'm not fooling anyone), and seeing as how our 'big night on the town' was going to consist of a trip to OTB (strictly for their delicious queso), the "getting ready" portion of the evening didnt take nearly as long. So, we went to dinner, and talked about....well, everything. Mostly we went through the motions so as not to miss's your fam, your bf, your job, what's pissing you off, what's making you happy, how many kids does Dwight have now and of course, the please please please move back to Texas because I miss you segment (perfected over the years, although still ineffective). When we got done with dinner, instead of hitting up the bars, we came back to the house, changed into our fat pants and parked on the couch. It was truly a new experience in our relationship.....and one that I thoroughly enjoyed. Margaret opened my eyes to the wonder that IS words with friends (its an iphone app thats like playing scrabble - this explanation is for my mom ;-)), I'm pretty sure she cheats though, so I have yet to win a game...or score anything over 20 points. So, basically we sat on the couch, in our pjams and played scrabble while watching a chick flick......we have offically flashed forward 50 yrs. The next day, we spent most of the day getting ready for, attending, and recovering from my first baby shower :) Again, quite the change from a recovery we would normally be doing from our Friday night bender, but surprisingly similar in that it involved pizza, ice cream, candy....and more pizza. It also included pjams and the couch again. I think we made it until just almost midnight on Saturday before Dan and I grabbed our walkers and headed off to bed. I'm sure Margaret thinks we are 80 years old....and she may be right, but I WAS POOPED!! Sadly, Margaret left this morning to head back to her life where bedtimes fall long after the sun goes down and pajamas are never included in a big night out. It was a short weekend, but I truly enjoyed every minute of it. Luckily, when she left this time, we already knew that we would see each other again soon....but the next time, we would be a party of 3 (at least with just the girls) and we would be having all sorts of different kinds of fun!

So, earlier I just kind of skimmed over another big part of my weekend. I felt like both Margaret and my Baby Shower deserved the respect of their own paragraphs ;-) Let me just start by saying that I have never felt more overwhelmed with love than I did on Saturday, August 13th. Walking into the room at Pappadeaux, I could not believe my eyes. Everything was perfect. From the diaper cake topped with flowers, to the clothes line of ADORABLE Mia gear, to the centerpieces to the spread.....I just could not have asked for more. I am truly truly thankful for all of the hard work that Kristin, Deanna and David put in to have this shower for me. I get teary eyed even thinking about how lucky Mia and I are to have them in our lives. And then, to see so many faces of people I love blew me away. Seeing as how this is my first kid, I have never been on the receiving end of a baby shower before. Normally, I am in the audience coo-ing and aww-ing over the tiny little things that get pulled out of those cute little gift bags, so this was a very new experience for me. I'm eternally grateful that most of the gifts that I got, I was familiar with, so I didnt have to guess (and most likely guess incorrectly) what their function was. I have to admit, I was stumped once or twice by things.....and surprisingly, they were things that I, myself had registered for!! I learned while registering for baby stuff that it is in NO WAY similar to registering for wedding stuff. When you register for your wedding, you're mainly registering for things that you have, at one point in your life used before. That is NOT the case with a baby registry. Not to mention, you can't go get a drink to unwind after the three hour ordeal of registering for things that you may or may not need for a new human in the first year of life, and trust ice cream sundae does not have the same effect (I tried). I cannot believe how much we got though! You people have really spoiled us! And we are eternally greatful :) For those of you who know my husband well, it comes as no suprise that, not only is everything that needed to be put together, put together, but everything else is put away and we have it organized according to size, article of clothing and season, the towels are in their designated place, the monitors are plugged in and ready to go and the boxes are disposed of.  He needs help....I'm trying to find us meetings to go to. I must say, having more stuff for her, only make this even more real. We are literally 8wks and 5 days out from her due

That brings me to my next order of business.....WE ARE ONLY 8WK AND 5DAYS from her DUE DATE! I remember talking to my mom early on and thinking that once I got to the 8wk mark it would just fly by (that marker kept moving as my pregnancy progressed). Now, here I am, just a little more than 8 weeks from meeting my little girl. I can hardly believe it. I have had people approach me before (mostly moms) and ask me if I think time "is just flying by"....No. I dont think that. Not at all. It literally feels like I have been pregnat since I was born. I know its only been 31 weeks, but it feels like a lifetime. I'm not saying that as a bad thing, necessarily, I'm jsut saying that all of these women got my hopes up that pregnancy goes by in a flash....and, now from my experience, I have been left no choice but to assume that all women are liars ;-) I'm kidding. Honestly, the last couple weeks have gone by pretty fast. I think its just the fact that after a while, you forget life before pregnancy. I don't remember what my body used to look like, I don't know how my boobs ever fit into a size A cup, and I only vaguely remember being able to see my lady parts when I look down. I'm pretty sure my belly button used to be inverted and I know there was a time that I could take a picture and not look like someone had used one of those funhouse mirrors to make my face look twice as wide as I think it should. You know what's cool though? I also don't remember when I could sit down and not feel my little girl kicking inside me. I don't recall the time when I could hear the name Amelia or Mia and have no reaction at all, or see a newborn on tv and not immediately burst into tears of joy. And I will never forget the day that I found out I was going to be a mommy, or the look on my husband's face when I told him he was going to be a dad. I'll never forget the first time we heard her heartbeat or saw her on the sonogram screen.....and you know what, that's enough for me to forget about all the other stuff :)

This weekend has been incredible in so many ways. There are not enough words to express how thankful I am to have such amazing people in my life. It puts my mind at ease knowing that my little girl will have no doubts about how much she is loved :)

Until next time.....

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