Wednesday, August 3, 2011

FYI - I'm not as miserable as I must look....

I'm still here....29 weeks and 3 days, and despite what perfect strangers seem to think...I'm doing just peachy!

Dan and I just got back from a weekend in Austin. We decided to take a little trip to get away one last time before we had to start packing up the apartment to go anywhere for any amount of time. It was just what the doctor ordered too. We did a whole lot of nothing, besides eat and relax! It was perfect :) I've included some pictures you can see, I've recently discovered the wonder that IS Hypstamatic App for the iphone, I am now WAY more confident than I should be as a photographer ;-)
Saturday morning we got up and walked around Zilker Botanical Gardens. It was really gorgeous :) And luckily we got there early enough to where it wasnt a million degrees out, so we could actually enjoy it!
I know you must think I'm a camera whore, but its only because Dan REFUSED to be in any pictures....I tried.
The hotel we stayed at was in the Botanical gardens, so Saturday, before we went to eat, we walked around the grounds....this was our view :)

I ended up with a lot of photos of the food we ordered (much to Dan's annoyance ;-)) but I would forget most of the time until whatever it was was half way gone and it looked like a wild animal had ravaged it, so I opted not to post those, but among them were a delicious Gyro platter and Baklava from a restaurant called Athenian Bar and Grill, a Ginormous plate of bbq with the most delicious potatoe salad I've ever had and a slice of key lime pie, and a table full of wonderful sushi (not all cooked, but not all for me either) and a scoop of green tea ice cream. I guess its apparent that I adopted a new philosophy of vacationing while pregnant, DESSERTS are a MUST.....with EVERY meal ;-)

Another thing that I encountered, was a first for me.....I am assuming its because this is the first time I'm pregnant, and because we are having some record breaking heat this year. This weekend while we were gone, I cannot tell you how many perfect strangers approached me to tell me how BAD they felt for me.....??? Now, keep in mind, I often forget that I am 7 months pregnant so my immediate response is complete and utter confusion. Once I remember that they are referring to being pregnant during the heat of the summer, my confusion turns to....well, I'm still confused. Why would someone feel the need to let me know how much they wouldnt want to be me right now? I didnt even know that person, so I would probably have assumed they wouldnt want to trade lives anyway if I had put any thought into it at all. I assume this is their way of being sympathetic.....well you can take your sympathy and shove it! I'm just fine. Yes, its hot. Yes, I'm pregnant. Yes, these are not ideal conditions for being pregnant.....but I'm NOT DYING.....I'm just sweaty and hormonal! And honestly, if they knew me at all, during the heat of the summer, pregnant or not....I'm always sweaty and hormonal, so I guess the joke's on them ;-) I had another lady stop me in the bathroom when we stopped for...well, the bathroom, on the way back to Dallas. She went on for 5 minutes about how miserable I must be traveling while pregnant. How there was no way she would EVER do that. I wonder if she knew I was riding in a car.....and wasn't actually hiking back to my destination. I'm telling you....when she left, I had to look in the mirror to see what I looked like. From her reaction, you would have sworn someone had strapped a saddle on me and was riding me back! So, I guess I should make up a sandwich board to wear in public, maybe something along the lines of "I'm OK! Despite my outward appearance...." Either that, or I should start playing it up and asking these people for money to deal with the mental anguish that i'm OBVIOUSLY suffering at the moment ;-)

So, backing up a little, I had my 29 week dr. appointment Friday morning before we left for Austin. It was your pretty standard appointment: pee in a cup, get weighed, blood pressure taken, uterus measured, angel wing flutters (heartbeat) counted. The weird part about it, was that for the first time since we started this roller coaster ride, I was measuring smaller than I did 2 weeks ago. The doctor's assistant also informed me that my blood pressure was back down from the last two times she took it. Since she didn't bother telling me it was high during those visits, I guess I wasn't really concerned before, or relieved for that matter that it was back down. My fundus (uterus) height was 27 cm which is still within the normal range for being 29 wks, but it was on the low end which struck me as odd considering I have yet to be on the low end for anything during this pregnancy. But she didnt seem worried, or baffled, so I guess everythings fine. Mia's heartbeat was strong still at 150, that sound is always the highlight of my visit :) I'm going back again next Friday (seems so soon!) and will start going weekly at 35 weeks....which is only 3 dr visits away! holy cow!

I asked my doctor this time if there was a chance that we would get to see her again before she makes her grand entrance. She said that normally insurance doesn't cover another sonogram, BUT that she would see if they could "find a reason". Good enough for me! I have been really curious as to how much this little one is going to weigh when she finally gets here. My doctor said they can start guesstimating around 37 weeks. I can't wait until then....I've had dreams about having both a miniature, fit-in-the-palm-of-your-hand baby, as well as a lady part ruining 16 pounder.....lets hope my little angel falls somewhere in the middle ;-)

I guess that's it for now......
Here's me and Mia on her very first Vacation  - 29Wks

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