Wednesday, July 27, 2011

28 Weeks, 280 daily trips to the bathroom...

So, here we are again. I'm now 28 weeks and 5 days pregnant.I'm not sure why I always pick Wednesdays to update, maybe its subconsciously my least favorite is, quite obviously, my least productive ;-) We'll go ahead and start off by telling you how I'm feeling. I feel hot. All the time. And I can't "feel" it, but I'm pretty sure I'm the smelly kid in class now too. Fantastic. At this point, I make at least 181,566 trips to the bathroom in a given day. I'm pretty sure I would get more done if I just moved my work space into the bathroom. I am in constant disbelief that I can get up, go to the restroom and it seems like just as I sit back down, I have to pee again. Its unreal. LUCKILY, I feel like most of those trips are sqeezed into my waking hours, as I have only had to get up in the middle of the night a handful of times (until now, because I just jinxed myself I'm sure) to make a bathroom run. Its funny (I use this term loosely) though, because Dan and I will be in bed at night watching TV and I will get up no fewer than 3 times in a given 1 hour show to go to the bathroom. He's asked me on more than one occasion "You're kidding me, right?" Yes Dan, I am just doing this as a big joke. I think its really funny to have to hurl my enormously disproportionate self over my wonderful full body pillow only to pray that my feet hit the ground before my face does, all the while trying to ensure that I am not crushing my little mini-me by inadvertently putting too much weight on my stomach. Hilarious! No. It's not a joke. At least not one that I am playing on my husband....although, I'm not yet convinced that my daughter doesnt have her mom's sick sense of humor and is inside me laughing hysterically at how many times mommy has to pee in the course of a day. I can't help but smile and hope that she enjoys good, dry humor as much as I do :)

Besides that, I am just feeling really tired a lot. I know its normal, but I guarantee the heat is not helping at all. Oddly enough, I don't feel like I've gotten a whole lot bigger (my scale is laughing at this comment right now....and yes, my scale reads my blog), but I'm just starting to feel bigger. I am noticing more and more that while in a sitting position, I am officially unable to reach things on the ground by bending forward....and often not by bending to the sides either. Basically, there is a lot of stuff on the ground by my desk that someone is probably going to need to pick up soon ;-) At home, I am trying to stay as active as I can. I still enjoy cooking a lot, mainly because I still enjoy eating a lot. That, and I know that after Mia gets here, my cooking days will probably be on hiatus for a little while, so I'm trying to get it out of my system now. I learned the hard way the other day, that I am no longer capable of taking on more than one task at a time, as my brain no longer has capacity for such things. It also no longer has the capacity to recall information that I was just given either. Its making it really fun for people I am communicating with on a regular basis. I'm sure they just are flashing back to when I used to I pretty much did the same thing as far as repeating myself and asking the same questions over and over again ;-)

As far as Mia goes, she is still as active as ever. I can tell she's getting a lot bigger though because now instead of watching my stomach "pop" with her cute little jabs, it now physically relocates. She is all over the board and it's super entertaining to watch :) WEll.....for me at least. She's had the hiccups now a couple times and it is one of the weirdest/coolest things I've ever felt. She's just like a real person! Its so crazy. I'm growing a human inside of me.....God is pretty crazy awesome if you ask me :)

Well I think that pretty much sums everything up. I have another doctor's appointment this Friday. Shouldnt be anything too exciting, I mean as far as tests or anything. I did get the results of my tests back and I do not have gestational diabetes or anemia. I am also not carrying any sexually transmitted least none that they have identified yet ;-) KIDDING MOM! I have still been having Braxton Hicks contractions on a regular basis. They seem to be a little more powerful than they used to be, but are still at unpredictable intervals and still not painful....just a lot more noticeable. I'm going to bring it up on Friday when I talk to my doctor, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Dan and I are taking a road trip to Austin this weekend! It will most likely be the last time we get to get away together, just the two of us, so I'm really looking forward to it :) I will definitely make sure to take tons of pictures with only landscape and no people....I know how fun those are for others to look at ;-)

Until next time......
Me and Mia at 28wks
and we decided that we're not the only ones going through this so......
Daddy at 28 wks :)

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