Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dear Amelia.....

Today you are 25 weeks and 6 days into this little adventure. You could technically survive if you decided to make an early appearance, I however, would have a panic attack and die, so let's just hang in there for another couple or 14 weeks, what do ya say? At this point in time, your favorite things seem to be kicking and punching. You move almost constantly, and I'm sure to your annoyance, when you are not moving, I'm poking you to make sure you're still alive and well :) You seem to be very unlike your parents in that you have most of your energy at night. I can't tell you how many nights I have spent staring down and watching you maneuver your way around my stomach. Given the grace you lack, I fear you take after me already. It kind of feels like you will start to do something and then just fall to one side or the other. I am sorry.....that probably won't end at birth.

I'm writing this to you today to let you know that I'm ready for you. We don't have the rest of your furniture yet and don't have a swing or a bouncer, but what we do have is enough love to last you a lifetime. Me and your Daddy can't wait to meet you......but we will wait.....for at least another 14 weeks. This is VERY important! The love will still be here in 14 weeks....I promise. Only it will be multiplied by like a zillion! So brace yourself. You've got a lot of kisses coming your way little lady.

So, keep moving and in case you need any extra sustenance, there is plenty just to the rear. Feel free to take all you need.

I love you, Mia.


25 Wks

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