Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Does this make me look pregnant.....or just fat??

Well, here I am again, folks....and there is more of me by the day. I am now 17 and a half weeks along....we are coming up on the half way mark!! I know that there were a couple of times during the first tri-mester that I wished things would speed up a little and they definitely have!! I think once I started looking pregnant, time definitely started moving along faster.

Well those of you in Texas have noticed that the weather is MUCH warmer now......so for the first time this year, I hit the pool with my pool buddies, Kristin and Cooper. During any other Spring I have always braced myself for the inevitable scary pale and mostly untoned first visit to the pool, but this year is a whole other ball game. I went through my drawers and in my head thought "I haven't really grown that much" so I just tossed on the same swim suit i wore last year and pranced out to the living room to get Dan's approval (or disapproval) to see if it was safe to venture out of the house. Well, poor Dan has been a real trooper when it comes to the inevitable question "How does this look on me?" I think as women, we all know that there is no right answer to that. If they say "Great!" well, they're obviously lying, and if they say "eh....what else do you have?" then they just called us fat. So, Dan took a second and politely asked "Does it feel tight?" To which i took another look in the mirror and realized it look like my bikini was the sausage casing i had just stuffed myself into....awesome. SO.....I quickly changed into a swimsuit which bagged off of me last year, and to my surprised, it fit...barely, but it fit. The one good part of this story is that my bikini top, for the first time EVER did not gap or sag or fill with water when I got into the pool or fall off when I got out of the pool....who knew they were supposed to fit liek that?!? So, made it to the pool and it turns out that when its 90 degrees out, i could really care less what my swimsuit looks like on me, and I think it helps that I have an amazing friend who lies and tells me I looked good regardless ;-) (I heart you Kristin!)

I have been keeping a mental countdown to the BIG DAY (at least for us) that we find out what our little MJ is! We are now down to 9 days....thats practically nothing! In 9 days, I will officially be supporting all of the employees at both Babies R Us and BuyBuyBaby.....you're welcome ;-) We are getting so excited! I'm not sure if i mentioned it, but we did buy our baby furniture a couple of weeks ago. If I used my brain other than between the hours of 8:30-5, I would have taken a picture to post, but that's not the case....so maybe later. Now that we have it all set up though, we're waiting to find out if MJ's a girl or boy so we can start decorating!!

Well, that's about it for now....I really would like to know what you guys think I'm having though!! I, personally have a feeling its a boy, but I think Dan is going the other way.....We're taking votes now, so humor me and comment here....the winner gets to name our child! The only catch is you only have 2 names to choose from, ones a boys name, and one's a girls name ;-)

So, I leave you with this, another pic.....
This is me and MJ at 17 weeks and 1 day :) on our way to brunch for my Birthday/Mother's Day....you should have seen the after pic, scary.... ;-)


  1. BOY! BOY! BOY! And his name shall be Pepito. Love you doodle bug and baby Pepito! =)

  2. It seems to be the year of the girl, so my vote is a girl! Besides Coop needs a future wife :)
