Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm too excited to sleep!!! (spoken like the kid from the Disney world commercial)

Well, tomorrow's the day! At 3 PM we will officially not have to stutter over trying to be politically correct with pronouns when referring to MJ. Its a relief too....I, for one, have now wasted countless minutes of my life backtracking and using the word he-she and his-her. Its always awkward, like I am having a little hermaphrodite or something (dear Lord, please don't let that be the case, but if it is, I would not love him-her any less.....)

There is something very surreal about thinking about our baby in terms of gender. Tomorrow, MJ will have a name.....that name may still be MJ, but tomorrow, we will know for sure. I cannot express in words how I feel right now. I am anxious, excited, and in disbelief all at the same time. Well, lookie there....I can express it in words ;-)  Since the very first doctors visit, I have walked out of the office thinking to myself "this was the best day of my life", and if its possible, I've been right every time. I am quite confident that tomorrow will be no different.

Well this is just a brief catch up before the big I'll keep it short and sweet. I'm 18wks 6 days pregnant today. In other terms, we are 10lbs, 4 waist inches and 2cup sizes into this baby! This trimester is seriously flying by. Everytime I turn around something new and different is happening to my body. For one, I am growing out of clothes at an alarming rate. I bought a pair of workout shorts last week and put them on this week to find out they SHRANK....a whole size (or two)! I blame it on shoddy material....thats the only explanation I can come up with ;-) So, I have decided to skip over my next visit to the atheletic wear department and just wear Dan's shorts, that, at the moment, fit me just fine :-/ I think he is more thrilled about that than I am....regardless, they work. Besides that, I have been able to feel MJ move on a daily basis now! He-she (see what i mean?!) seems to be more active at night. As soon as I lay down though, I can feel where his-her little body is and if you rub on it for a minute, he moves across to the other incredibly amazing. Dan has been able to feel the hard little lump (MJ) when i point it out, and he's even found him on his own a couple times, but he can't really feel any movements yet. I have a feeling those are just around the corner though!! And I am ready and waiting :)

I think thats about it.....I'm sure you will all be getting a message from me tomorrow regarding our news! so.....just hold your breath until then ;-) I know I will be!!

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