Monday, May 23, 2011


Well I'm pretty sure this isnt the first time that anyone is hearing....It's a GIRL!! :) Our doctor's visit on Friday was awesome. day. ever.

My appointment was at 3, so i left the office at 2 and stopped by Starbucks to make sure our little one was awake and ready to spread those little legs (i swear that is the ONE and ONLY time in her life i will make that kind of request!) Well, it worked! But, I think I'm jumping the gun a little bit.....

For those who didnt know, Dan's mom and mine were both at our appointment. We knew that we wanted to share this special day with the two ladies who made all of this possible ;-) First, she took Dan and I in alone and got right to work! I was literally in amazement. The sono tech showed us all of the organs, we even saw the 4 chambers of the heart pumping!! She said all of the limbs were perfectly proportionate to the head and she showed us the brain (which was enormous, of course). Then she went to the spine and of course....the MONEY SHOT! :) I literally burst into tears when I found out we were having a little girl. All of a sudden the little body growing inside of me was not was a little girl...our little girl :) I literally don't think I have ever been happier in my whole entire life!

Just after that, we invited the moms in to see what we had just seen. Note to all of those who are now pregnant, the SURE FIRE way to elongate your sono is to INVITE PEOPLE!!! It was probably the most awesome 20 minutes of my life. Now, I'm sure you all expected me to say that, but let me just tell you that when i walked into that room, I was pretty sure I was going to pee my pants....literally.....I had a huge thing of coffee before and that aside, I have to make a trip to the bathroom every 10 minutes regardless of what I've had to drink....When I arrived at the office ready to give my urine sample (REALLY READY) they informed me that I needed a full bladder for this sono. Awesome. Even so, miserable with an almost exploding bladder that was being fondled and pressed on by the tech (thank God for Kegels), I could not have been happier! Back to the moms though.....Neither of our mom's had seen that kind of sono before. You have to remember, they didnt have this kind of technology when we were born (especially when Dan was born ;-)) In fact, neither of our moms even knew what they were having until the day we appeared. Needless to say, we were all in tears. It was truly amazing :)

While i did not get video of the sono, I have attached a few pics of our little Amelia Anne below. I hope you guys enjoy looking at them as much as I do :)
This is her little face and her two hands are doing the 'Home Alone' thing :)
Here, she is showing up her acrobatic skills, with a little leg over the head action. She's also sucking her thumb :) already making our hearts melt
And this one, she finally situated her legs more comfortably and is just relaxing and sucking her thumb again :)

Right after the sono, I had a consulatation with my Doc. They told me to finally give the urine sample, to which i entered the bathroom and completely forgot why I was there, and didnt even attempt to pee in a cup, true story. Then they took my blood pressure. Well, I think its fair to say that I was a little excited. The girl taking it looked at me scared to death that my heart was going to beat out of my chest and just said "I dont think I'm going to write that one down....maybe we should wait a minute." haha, I thought it was kind of funny. I was back down to normal-ish after about 15 minutes. The doctor said that everything looked great and we are on track and growing as we should....both of us :) She told me to brace myself, as the next 4 weeks is going to bring a lot of "growth". I'm pretty sure that translates to, "you only THINK your ass is big now!" And you know what....bring it. Now that my little bump has a name and is constantly moving and reminding me how awesome she is, I hardly care about the weight :)

Well, as you can probably guess.....we have been floating on a cloud since Friday. We now refer to our little angel as 'Baby Mia' and I literally can't write that or think about her for that matter without a huge grin on my face :)

My next Dr. appointment is in June, but I feel the following ones will be constantly trumped by Friday, May 20th....regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing how she's growing! She's already big for her age weighing in at a whopping 10oz last friday!

So, I leave you with the first Mommy and MIA pic :)
19 Weeks and 1 day

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