Friday, April 15, 2011

Lots going on, not much to say....

Hello again friends! I am now 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant....I can honestly say, I never thought I would be here, but I'm so glad that I am :) Over the last couple weeks A LOT has been going on! Not so much with little MJ, although I am feeling Large and In Charge these days so I guess he/she's definitely growing. But aside from my uterus, the Jones house has been a busy place!

We just found out last week that Dan was offered (and accepted) a position for a company called Flexi Compras. I'm not exactly positive what the company is all about, but judging from my 2 1/2 yrs of minoring in Spanish in college, I would guess its a flexible buying company of sorts. We were a little concerned when he was interviewing that his salary increase wouldn't make up the difference we were going to have to pay for the COBRA (completely ridiculous) insurance we knew we needed during his 3 month probationary period, but seeing as how Dan apparently is some sort of magic finance guru, the company offered to reimburse us that expense, so that is one less worry :) He starts there on April 25th so the next 2 weeks at his current job are going to be super nightmare-ish with transitioning his functions over to other people, BUT once its done, he gets to start fresh at a new company with a bright future! We both (well I guess I should say ALL of us) are really looking forward to it!

Aside from that big news, I have been taking classes to get my Teaching Certificate. I started back in February and my last class will be the 30th of this month. I'm not sure how many of you know my plans for after MJ is born, so those who do, bear with me...The first week in October, assuming everythingn goes as planned, will be my last week at Pestworks. I have been here for 4 1/2 years...hard to believe, but I think it was keeping me busy until I could fulfill my real dream, being a mom. I plan on staying home for a little while and when I do return to work, I will be starting in a whole new field....teaching. I initally went to school and majored in psychology with the hopes of becoming a school counselor. Well, I'm only about 6 years late, but I am finally taking steps towards using that pesky degree that I fought so hard for!

Besides that, not much else is new. Luckily things have remained calm, and we have remained in good health, minus last weekend when we were both wishing we had gotten a 2 bathroom apartment, but that's neither here nor there. So, next Dr. appt Friday, and more to come then!!

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