Friday, April 15, 2011

Floating on a cloud.....

So, today I am a 14 week Preggernaut. I had my 4th Dr. appointment today and they are becoming a lot less scary and a lot more exciting :) Today, my doctor just took my weight (yikes!), blood pressure and measured MJ's heartbeat. She said all of my blood work came back completely perfect and so far everything was going just great! MJ's heart rate was 150. I asked if that was fast or slow....she said it was in the normal range, but on the faster side. In my mind I was already thinking - GIRL! But she addressed that very quickly....she said that often times, the heart rate is faster when they are smaller and that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the gender, regardless of the old wives tale. Also, my little MJ was an active bugger today! He/she kept moving around to where the doctor had to keep tracking him down to find the heart beat again. I was so amazed that there was so much movement going on inside of me, yet I couldn't feel a thing!!

I think everything is still just so surreal, that I have yet to fully grasp what's going on. Whatever it gets more incredible everytime I hear that little sound. Its awesome. I never thought I could love something so much, that I haven't even met yet.

So, next doctors appointment is going to be in 5 weeks. She wanted me to be closer to 20 weeks so we could do the sonogram on the same day to FINALLY find out if little MJ is a Michael or a Mia :)

As far as I am concerned, I have still been feeling fine....I am starting to show a little more, and I definitely FEEL more pregnant these days. I am quickly eliminating jeans that no longer button without producing muffin top, and slowly adding to my collection of long dresses, which will most likely be my wardrobe for the duration ;-)

I guess thats about it for now!! I think I finally figured out how to notify people when I do update the blog, so if that gets annoying, let me know and I will undo the setting. Otherwise, keep me and MJ in your prayers and I will write more when there's more to write!

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