Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Texas Giant has NOTHING on THIS roller coaster.....

Hello friends :) Today I'm 23 wks 5days pregnant. I woke up this morning after my first good nights sleep in what seems like months! This is great news both for me and hopefully for those who have been the victim of my raging hormones lately.

I want to start off by saying 'Thanks' to all of you who gave me peace about my last doctors visit. I want you to know that I am aware that weight gain is normal and that the amount of weight my doctor is "suggesting" is completely unreasonable for me at this point (as, again, I am an overachiever). I also don't want anyone to be worried about me. I was having a bad day....a REALLY bad day. I was definitely concerned about my weight gain, BUT I am not going to stop eating as that is completely out of my control at this point in time ;-) Chances are, I will have other bad days, but rest assured, I know that as long as Mia is healthy, the good days will far out weigh the bad.

Being that I was in such a bad place during my last post, I completely neglected to fill everyone in on the totally AMAZING things that are happening with my body and mind at the moment. So here goes....

Regardless of all the weight gain, I have, to date, remained stretch mark free!! I have also bought stock in Palmers coco-butter lotion, as it is nightly slathered, by the bottle, onto my stomach, ass and boobs. Speaking, of the girls, I was also forced (although it didnt take much arm twisting) to buy my first C-cup bra! Yes, that's right, your little Margaret is growing up (and out) ;-) This, as those who know me well will attest to, is a day that I was pretty sure I would never see sans a purchase of tube socks to fill said bra. Besides that, my belly button (old faithful as I recently refer to her as) has held strong, remaining in her stance as an "inny" although, between you and me, I feel her days are numbered :-/

Besides that, my little Amelia is like an acrobat on speed! She is constantly moving and kicking and doing this weird drop-down-like-an-8lb-weight on my bladder thing I am assuming to test my timing as far as running to the nearest bathroom without peeing myself. So far I've been successful, but I can't lie...there have been some close calls. I was sitting on the couch the other day too and it looked like my stomach was popping a bag of popcorn! I must have sat and stared down at it for at least 15 minutes.....thank God I do these things in the privacy of my own home. If someone saw me, I feel like I might be commited. Between the 20 minutes downward gaze at my bare belly, and the conversation I am having with my unborn child, I can't say I would blame them though. Seeing as how she's been so much more active, Dan felt his first kick a couple of weeks ago!!! It was so exciting for me and for him :) I, of course, cried. But it really was an awesome moment. Now, he can feel her almost nightly. She already takes after her hard-headed Daddy though, and refuses to perform on demand. When my mom was over the other day, she started her little kickboxing routine and of course, the second my mom's hand arrived on my stomach, it was break time. Thanks for making me look like a liar, Mia ;-) Anway, its been really awesome to feel her every day. I feel like I have a whole new attachment to her :) And just when I thought it wasnt possible, it makes me fall even more in love.

I'm headed out of town this weekend with Kristin and Cooper. We're going to Houston for Alivia and Addyson's 2nd birthdays and for Lauren's wedding shower! its going to be a busy one, but I'm looking forward to it :)

Besides all that, I guess I'm just trying to find some balance in everything. Lord knows I could use something to even out these mood swings.....I'm a little scared if I can't manage it soon, someone may get hurt ;-)

Thanks again for all your support, keep praying for us! We love you guys! :)

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