Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Final Thoughts....

Well, this is it. I'm 40 weeks and 3 days pregnant today. Tonight at 8 I go in to the hospital, and when I get out sometime later this week....I'll be a mommy. It's been a long year to say the least, but a good one. I had a pretty emotional day yesterday, I think all of the unknowns are starting to wreak havoc on my nerves. But, I made it through, as I'm sure I will the next several days.

I think reality finally struck last night while I was sitting on my couch alone.....Luci curled up at my feet, tv on and dinner on the stove.....this was it. Last night was the last night that Dan and I would spend as a family of 2 (and a half, with Luci) in this apartment, our first home together. It was the last night of sleep we would get without the intermittent sounds of an infant crying. This is the last morning I will wake up and carry on, thinking of no one but myself and Dan. This is really it. This is it, and we're ready. Tonight I will finally load up the bags that I have been staring at for the last few weeks and when we come home, that car seat that has been sitting empty in my back seat, will be occupied. The swing I have tripped over every morning for the last month will be alive with motion and music, and the pack n play that is overtaking any remaining space in our bedroom will be put to use. My stomach will no longer be in constant motion, and I will no longer have dreams of my baby without being able to see what her face looks like. Its all so surreal. Even as I'm typing this, I can still hardly believe the day is here.

As far as how I'm feeling.....I feel both overwhelmed, and at peace. I'm overwhelmed with emotions, both anxiety and happiness. But at peace with the fact that I know we have done all we can do to prepare for our baby to arrive. Given my unstable emotional state the last few days, I am reminded again how amazing the women in my life are. You have all helped me work through this in my mind and I know you will be here for support once our little angel is here :) I can't wait for her to meet all of you.....she really is one lucky little girl.

Well, this will be my last post on this blog. I plan to start a new one documenting my first year of mommyhood and of course, all of my baby's firsts.....I will definitely keep everyone posted when the waters calm and I am able to write again. Until then, please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we make our way into the next phase.

and just for old times sake.....here's one final pic -
40weeks and 2 days

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hope Mia's as good with deadlines as her Daddy....

Today I am 39 wks and 6 days pregnant. Mia's due date is Saturday....that's in 2 DAYS! Its hard for me to believe that October 15th is so near, and yet her arrival still seems so far away....

I had another doctor's appointment today. My doctor set up a sonogram to see how Mia was doing, how big she was and if she was making any headway (pun intended). Mia is doing fantastic, almost as though she could go on living inside me indefinitely. The sono tech thinks she weighs about 7lbs 13oz and then she added "give or take 1 lb". What the hell does that mean? So basically I could have read any book written by any trained monkey and gotten the same information. When my baby's born, she'll weigh somewhere between nothing and 16 lbs. fantastic, thanks for clearing that up. Given the "window" I'm not sure where 7lb 13oz came from, but so that I don't go off on another tangent, I think I'll just go with that as her weight at the moment. Even if it isnt exact. Besides that, Mia is showing no signs of entering the world of her own free will any time in the next couple of days.....and that of course is not an exact science either, but it is the doctor's best guess, and given that she's done this more times than I have, I believe her.

So that was the first part of the appointment. The second part was my FINAL pelvic exam (at least at the office). This exam confirmed that I have still made no progress as far as dilating and am no more effaced that I was 4 weeks ago. I have finally stopped letting this news get me down and try to just smile and ask "what's next?". This time I knew what was next though.....the talk. So, she asked how we felt about induction. Dan and I have talked in depth about it and agreed, that once we were past her due date, we would consider induction, but not  before then. Originally, we had planned to wait until next Friday, the 21st. That was the last day my doctor was comfortable letting me go to, although she said that technically they would not "make" me induce until I was 42 weeks. Between you me and the fence post, I would rather birth this child through my nostril than have to be pregnant a whole nother 2 weeks though. So, to ensure that my doctor would be on duty, I didnt want to be induced Friday, in case it went into the weekend (dear Lord, I hope I'm not in labor that long). So we thought about inducing Thursday morning instead. That being the case, I would have had to go to the hospital Wednesday night to get the cervical ripening agent (to see if they could get things moving without the help of pitocin, this is what I deduced) and then the pitocin would start the next AM. Well all it took was for her to walk out of the room for a minute and Dan and I decided we would rather come in Tuesday night and induce Wednesday. So...there you have it. By this time next week, I will be elbow deep in dirty diapers and nipple cream. My baby girl will finally be kicking me from the outside! We can hardly wait.

Having said all that, we are still praying that this little one works as well under pressure as the two of us do. We are still holding out hope that she decides to get this show on the road before we have to make the trip to the hospital next week. But, if she doesn't we have a plan B. And for those of you who know Dan and I, we NEED plans!

So, continue to keep our family in your prayers. Specifically pray for healing for me as I am coming down with some sort of crud that I can't seem to shake, nor can I take anything for. And always, for the health of our baby girl, who will soon grace us with her presence :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Quick Update: End in sight!

Hey everyone, this is just going to be a quick update, as there's not much to say that needs to be elaborated on at least....
My doctors appointment on Friday was rescheduled because my doctor was sick. I saw her today at 11:30. Mia is still doing well....strong heart beat and in constant motion. She is also proving to be very stubborn. I have made NO progress on the dilating front, and only a little more thinned out than I was last week. She has dropped a bit more, but I guess she's pretty comfortable in there now as she seems determined to hang in for the long haul. I have a sonogram scheduled for this coming Thursday. Was supposed to be Friday, but the sono tech was booked, and I was unwilling to wait until the following Monday. On Thursday they will just verify that she is thriving and check her weight and my amniotic fluid levels. We will also discuss induction. My doctor doesn't let her patients go past 41 wks, so looks like next week is it, if she doesn't miraculously bust through my cervix before then. Honestly, either way, I'm good. There is finally an end in sight!
Now, progress or not, the last two days I have felt different. There is A LOT of pressure on my pelvis right now and when she moves, it hurts. I am still hoping that she is going to come on her own before my induction date, but so long as she's healthy when she gets here, I don't care how it happens.

Please keep us in your prayers this week. We've come a long way, but we're not done yet....so, please pray for her safety and mine in this last leg of the journey.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My promise to you, Amelia......

Dear Amelia,

I have read no fewer than 6 books to prepare for your arrival. I get updates on a daily basis from 3 different websites. I get weekly notifications from 2 iphone apps and I have a daily pregnancy journal.....all of these sources say at some point in time that you should write a letter to your baby before they get here. Well I kind of already did that a couple of months ago....BUT I have been thinking a lot lately about things that I just always want you to know and remember. Things that I might not vocalize on a regular basis once your here, but ones that I mean whole heartedly every day that you're alive....my promise to you, if you will. So, here goes......

I promise to let you fall every once in a while, just so you know you can get back up.
I promise to tell you I love you every day.....and I promise to mean it.
I promise to teach you the difference between right and wrong. And I promise to pray every day that you choose what's right.
I promise to embarass you in public at least weekly when you are a teenager, and I promise when you're older, you will do the same to your daughter.
I promise to be honest with you, even when you ask the hard questions.
I promise to always listen.
I promise to always support you, because I know you can do anything you put your mind to.
I promise to teach you to respect yourself, body and soul.
I promise to show you the value in true friendship.
I promise to teach you compassion and patience, because you never know what someone else is going through.
I promise to give you guidance when you ask for it.....and even when you don't. But I also promise to let you make your own decisions...even if I think they're the wrong ones.
But more than anything, Amelia, I promise that everything that I do and every decision I make has been for you since the day we found out you were coming, and will be for you until they send me to the looney bin because I don't know my own name and can't figure out where I left my dentures.

Today I'm 39wks and 1 day pregnant. We are 6 days from your due date, but I can already tell you that you have changed our lives in the most amazing way. We love you and can't wait to see your little face.

Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

One week down....almost

Well, I made it to Thursday. My first week of staying home is almost over. Today I am 38 wks and 5 days pregnant. I don't know how it happened, but I somehow feel even more pregnant today than I did on Monday. This is getting ridiculous.

So I think my worries of being bored while at home have been eased this week. I have definitely kept myself busy (well, at least between sitting spells to catch my breath or rest my aching back ;-)). I started on Monday and I plan on finishing cleaning the apartment today. Yep, a task that used to take me 2 hours (tops!) now takes me almost a full week. I figure by doing it piece meal though, by the time I get done, I can enjoy it for the weekend then start over again on Monday ;-)

I wish I could say that the reality of having Mia here, like on the outside of my body, is starting to set in, but I think if this week has done anything, it has reconfirmed my enjoyment of peace and quiet....somewhat counter productive if you ask me. Luci, however, has been extra ridiculous this week....maybe she's just doing her part to help out. I have learned that Luci is adamantly opposed to naps that she, herself, is not directly involved in. For me, this means that I have had the opportunity to take one 45 minute nap during the course of the last 4 days. In her defense though, I did fall asleep right around her dinner time, so it was only fair that she sat at the foot of my bed whining non-stop, you know, so I wouldn't forget. I swear, she is the Rain Man of the animal kingdom. Only dog I know that can tell time...WITHOUT being able to see. She should probably be in Guiness Book.

As far as how I'm feeling....I'm super tired 90% of the time. I have learned to move a lot slower, not only because I have an extra 40lbs hanging off the front (well, and the back) side of my body, but because I have learned the hard way that trying to move too fast often results in pain. If I get up too fast, a lot of times I will have a shooting pain in my lower stomach from muscles that just weren't quite ready to change position. If I sit down too fast...well, I may break something, like a chair or my ass. Its a good thing its not a race ;-) Besides that, Mia is still moving a lot...like a lot a lot. But I think her lack of space is starting to piss her off, because those movements are no longer cute little sways, they are often very painful pokes that often times look like escape efforts. Trust me Mia, I'm ready for you to be here too.....but lets not deform my poor belly button anymore than it already is ;-)

I guess that's it for now. My doctor's appointment is tomorrow at 11:15. Please pray for some sort of progress....I could really use the reassurance that she really is coming :) I'll update after that. And I guess given that there are only 9 DAYS LEFT....you can probably expect more than the usual one update per week.

Also, thank you all for taking such an active interest in this part of my life. It has been really amazing to be able to put all my thoughts and feelings out there and get such great feedback. I sure love you guys....and I can't wait for Mia to meet you all!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

So this is what the unemployed people do.....

Well, today I am 38 weeks and 2 days. There are only 12 more days until Mia's due date.....that's right, DAYS. We're not even counting in weeks anymore, because there are not even 2 left! I have to say, for it being less than a week since I last updated, there sure is a lot to catch up on. So here goes.....

Friday marked the last day of work for me. It was also my last doctors appointment. It was an emotion filled day. Emotions that I was not expecting to have. I think that everyone has dreamed at one point in time (or many points in time) to not have to get up and go to work every day. I am no different. I can't tell you how long I have been counting down the days until last Friday. So, when last Friday arrived, I expected to be overcome with happiness...completely elated to not have to get up to an alarm anymore or to be one someone else's time clock for 40 hours of my week. well let me just tell you, I was feeling a lot of things on Friday when I woke up, but happiness and elation were not two of them. I was surprised to be overcome with anxiety and sadness. I guess after almost 5 years working at a place where you know people count on you and you know that by just showing up, you are making a difference, there is a sort of solemness that goes along with leaving. I think as much as I bitched and moaned about my job and some of the completely ridiculous things that came out of customers' mouths, just the feeling of having a place and serving a purpose made it all worth while. I am currently in the process of reminding myself that I still have a place and I still serve a purpose, its just that my place is now at home and my purpose is now taking care of my family. And after making it through half of my first day "on the job".....I think I'll be just fine :)

The other emotional part of my day on Friday was my doctors appointment. I think the key to not being disappointed when going to the doctor is to go in with absolutely no expectations. In other words, I would need to be someone completely other than myself. I think that I expected for her to tell me that I was starting to dilate and that my little one would be here soon, or I expected her to immediately admit me to the hospital because I was, in fact, in labor and was dilated to a 5 without even knowing it. Well, given that its Monday and I am sitting here updating my blog and still VERY MUCH pregnant, you can deduce that that was NOT the case. She informed me that I had actually made NO progress at all. None. At all. She may as well have told me that I was going to be pregnant for the rest of my life. I was devastated. I'm pretty sure it was only because I had forgotten to submit "my plan" to her in my previous visit though.....I will not make that mistake twice ;-) So, we scheduled my next visit for this Friday and I am fairly confident that I will still be with child. And, now that its Monday and I have gotten off of my emotional rollercoaster of a month (September), I am ok with that. I think for me its hard to have this down time, as much as I am told that I need to take advantage because it is the last I will experience for the rest of my life. I am working on that though.

So, this morning I woke up, made coffee, did laundry, watched crap tv, finished Thank You notes, looked up dinner recipes and WORKED OUT....and that was before lunch. I also didn't get out of my PJ's until almost 11! I have to admit, its been a pretty awesome day :) I think I am definitely starting to understand that I do need this time to relax, and let me just tell you, I'm enjoying it so far.

As far as how I'm feeling, I guess I feel pretty good considering I'm wearing a full term human on the inside of my skin. I have had more energy today than I've had in months and Mia is definitely taking her place in the southern portion of my torso! She still moves around constantly, but now she has bouts of stillness that make me think she's sleeping. I feel like I still haven't wrapped my brain totally around the fact that at some point in the next couple of weeks, the silence that I'm hearing right now will be filled with the coos and cries of my little girl. I can't tell you how excited I am about that. Its hard to believe that you can be so in love with a person that you've never even seen, but she's already stolen my heart and wrapped her daddy around her little finger. So, whenever she decides to come is just fine with us....we'll just be here waiting.

So here we are.....
38 Weeks and 1 Day